Friday, March 11, 2011

Yakety Yak...Don't Talk Back....

I didn't expect to be back so soon, but I am in the mood to happy that I cannot hear the groans!  I feel like I am stopping by your homes unannounced!

Not to sound like I just won an Oscar or anything.... but I have some people I want to thank....and, I'll stop before they start the music. As I have mentioned before, I am overwhelmed by the letters I have received.  Finding clear headed moments, while having enough stamina to sit up for a while, is a rarity.  Because of that, I haven't responded to your beautiful letters.  I would want to write with the same heart and soul as you have.

Okay, cough, cough, I would like to thank the Academy (that would be my amazing family - craaaazy amazing Steubers & Mahonys...they get the Oscar for best supporting family in a drama), Erica, Kathy & Ceal, Rick, Lee & Eddie,  Rockin' Robin, Dina Ellen, Barbie Doll Tool, Jimmy's former "boss" (& sweet friend) ~ Rosemary Springsteen, My guuurrrllll Pearl, Ann Martin, Laurie Frick, uh oh, STOP the music...... talking faster... the two Bobbi's, my FB hidden treasure Marie Kapski, Carole the Cook (really much more than that), Bleznak Carol, Sacred Heart "Cathy", St. Basil's cheerleader Erin & the best friend I never met, Shari......aaaand, they went to commercial.

I know I didn't remember everyone off the top of my head, but I just want you all to know how incredibly touched I have been by your letters and comments.  What??? Who am I wearing???  ...Vanity Fair Sleepwear silly...knock offs can be found at your local Marshalls.

Anyhoo, today Jimmy and I had an appointment to see the nutritionist to discuss the diabetes/gluten free diet.  We decided to eliminate the gluten free component.  I am currently working on a strict anti-viral medication/several supplement regimen with my immunologist at UM.  It takes approximately three months to see if it will help.  At this point, I am half way through.  I want to complete the three month program to see if it does help.  The gluten free diet, could possibly help some symptoms and I don't want to be in a position of feeling like something helped, but not sure if it was the diet or medication/supplements.  After the three months are up, I am going to bring that back in to the picture.

Over the past week or so, I have lost approximately six pounds...not a big deal with all I have to lose.  Regardless, it is a start and I am working hard, taking it a day at a time.   I  am trying to think positive, fingers crossed.   When I am in THE mindset, as Erica will attest, I'm just not hungry ~ simple as that....and you???...she will also attest to the fact that I have ADD, so the mindset is fleeting......

Today started out very rough, but it also started with a great phone call from my Seattle friend, Vicki (Ricki - remember Vicki??)  Another friend, I have never met!  By now, you must think I have my phone book filled with the names of all my imaginary friends :)  Vicki is so, so sweet, I feel like we have met.

Immediately after our call, Jimmy and I left for the Cleveland Clinic appointment and I was not doing good.  It was hard standing at the check-in counter and I was so mentally out of it, really bad.  I should have been in bed.  I was talking so erratic in the car, I told Jimmy that I sounded like Charlie Sheen...  I am surprised he didn't jump out of the car at 65 mph.  Regardless, in the last few hours, I have started to feel better.   I have to say, it feels good writing when I am in a good state of mind, clear headed and feeling decent.

It seems to me that my posts have been on the heavy side and didn't want to miss this more positive opportunity to Yakety, where to put my Oscar...Meyer


  1. Hi Cathy. So sorry I have been missing for awhile. I just got caught up on all your blogs and I am going to write you an email right now so we can catch up. I would prefer to call you but we know what happended last time. 4 hours later we still had so much to talk about and I am sure it took you quite some time to recover. I feel so bad that you have to pay everytime we get off the phone because I so enjoy talking to you. Well, I am going to get started on that email right now. I love you!

  2. Just want to say I could eat Gabriella up! Peace out!

  3. YOU ARE HYSTERICALLY FUNNY!... i am catching up on all blogs now...was gonna wait to write after reading all of them - but the "yella" hair, spray tan....and thanking the acadamy - made me stop and write! is PAINFUL/HEARTBREAKING for me to read how you constantly feel...but am glad you are writing - i want to know - YOU ARE AMAZING AND MAKE US ALL PROUD!..... THANK GOD FOR YOUR POSITIVE far as the ADD goes....uh...yeah...
    and.....thx for the "shout out"....keep up the "mindset"
