Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sorry for the add on...

...but, I want to thank you, once again, for the beautiful e-mails that keep coming, along with the comments left on the blog.  I am incredibly moved and read them with a huge smile and eyes brimming with tears.

Each day I intend to thank you individually.  Unfortunately, that is too ambitious for me at this point.  I DO know that I have the most amazing family and friends.  You all know who you are and I am sure you feel my gratitude without a return letter, at least for the time being!

Also, I wanted to let everyone and anyone know that my e-mail address is available on my profile page.  If a chronically ill person is reading this and would like more information on my health issues, to compare notes, coping skills, etc., please feel free to write with any questions. My life is an open book.  Maybe we can help each other.


  1. Hi! Is there a way to have your post emailed to me automatically? I can't see a sign up spot-
    I just keep checking back every few days-I love reading your posts! Love you girl.

  2. Oh Laurie, I know it is a pain in the neck. This site only allows me to submit ten e-mail addresses for notification, which takes up my family.

    I'm hoping to write something by tomorrow night - today isn't a good day.

    Thank you so much for checking in!!
