Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's Microfiber Time... You Can't Touch This...

Not a great day, but I had no reason to expect it to be.  I seemed to have hit a new low before Christmas.  Usually, it takes a few months before I accept that new or worsening symptoms are here to stay.  Today I just had to face the facts. UNCLE!!!...oh, I would much rather say WINNING!!! 

It is silly for me to come on and say that I had a "rough day", because my days are all the same....never ends.  Occasionally, I'll have a decent "vertical" hour here or there.  Today, I made soup and kind of pushed it by not breaking up the "prep".  It was stupid, I could feel my body crumbling, but kept on thinking (as all women say) "just one more thing".  It is so horribly discouraging to have to spend almost every minute of the day in bed.  I just hate it. It is like I am a kid being punished and sent to my room....hey, I thought this felt familiar!!....and it's not like I went to Riverton Park or the tracks, or anything...what, don't you trust me????      Oops - flashback - sorry!

I have only been sitting at the computer for a few minutes now, and already I feel like I am on fire and can feel myself diving.  For the second time today, "just one more thing"....

My March Madness excitement has expanded from Gabby's birthday & our visit with Alice and Tony.  I now have "Dancing With The Stars" too!!  I don't know who all is watching, but I have to say that Kirstie Alley knocked it out of the park last night.  Don't ask me why I care, but I was really excited.  She was so much fun to I love that they danced to "Forget You"!  The Karate Kid wasn't too shabby either - such a surprise!  He'll have to remember to wax on/wax off his dancing shoes, before hitting the dance floor. (I know it was just the first episode and the wax on/wax off reference is already getting old!) I was surprised at how boyish he still looks...adorable.

Obviously, I am really sick of TV.  Dare I say, the "Real Housewives" shows are getting boring.  Those women are all so grotesque, it is a little hard to watch.  After all these years watching every single episode, I am still in shock at the way they operate.  They leave the "Boca Babes" in their dust!

I wish I could read, but my lack of "mental strength" makes it impossible.  If I were to pick up a book, I could read one or two pages, then it would feel like my head is about to explode.  You would be surprised at the energy it takes to concentrate, energy I just don't have.  Otherwise, I would be on a reading frenzy.  It's easy to get lost in a good book and before you know it, the hours  fly by - perfecto!

The diabetes diet has been a nightmare.  I didn't expect to struggle so much with it.  My real problems seem to be the obvious lack of exertion of any energy at all, and the endless boredom that steers me towards the kitchen.  Anyone that has dieted, knows the self hatred that comes when you fail.  It is so infuriating. Especially, when I announced to the world that  "I AM ON A DIET" (ADD alert - Erica, I said it like "I am in Exton"..inside joke, sorry) When I mentioned that I HAVE to lose so much weight to my endocrinologist, he just waved his hand in the air and said that under my circumstances it is going to be very hard. That was an understatement.  It is so important. I just don't get how I can allow myself to eat at all.  If you guys could see me...I look freakish :(

When I get my surprise decent hour here and there, there really isn't much I can do.  I am not allowed to exert energy or bend over, not to mention that sitting and standing is limited.  So, when those wonderful moments come, it is almost impossible to come up with the best use of that time. So.... most of you know, I have a history with QVC - they LOOOOVE me, they really, really LOOOOVE me.  Anyway, I check in from time to time to see what the latest and greatest is.  I know it is pretty bad when I have to tune in to QVC to find something to watch.  As you can imagine, they are master salesmen....and, as you know, I am the worlds easiest target!  Over the years, I have been restraining myself to a certain extent.

A few months ago, I got suckered in to buying a box full of microfiber dishtowels, cleaning cloths, etc.    I really do love them! (I miss me!!!)  AGAIN, making a short story long, when I get a good snippet of time, I'll dampen a microfiber cloth and go around the house wiping off everything in site.  Pathetic, I know, but it is my new fun.  It doesn't take long before I have to get in bed, but I do love that I accomplished something.  So, so lame, but it really feels good, well kinda' good.  I've had to lower my standards.

I wish I could think of something to do when I am up, other than checking in on the computer or stalking my kitchen.  Between being so restricted, and the heavy, overly drugged feeling in my brain, I can't think of a thing.

I expect tomorrow to be just like today.  If I'm lucky, maybe I'll have some microfiber time ~ hhhmmm, I wonder if MC Hammer bought hammers from QVC....


  1. Another thing in common-QVC! Love it! When I can't fall asleep, I try to name all the hosts-that usually does the trick. Anyway (and I don't have ADD) love the microfiber towels-they really work well with no effort. Love the way you write-hang in there and rest up-looking forward to the next post. Love ya!

  2. Wow, counting QVC hosts when I can't sleep..why didn't I think of that! Great idea!!! I'll have to study the QVC website today, so I pass my test tonight :)

  3. LOVE THE "EXTON" reference!....judy should know how much milage we've gotten out of that!....
    as for QVC....remember when you bought the perfume? said "the description sounded so really have to be a good salesperson to sell perfume thru tv....."...but THEY HOOKED YOU!

  4. Erica - Judy would think we are funny! Only I would fall for a perfume sales pitch on TV. I have gone to department stores to buy perfume and left empty handed, because nothing smelled right. Oh and I bought another QVC perfume around a year ago...thought I couldn't go wrong with Bobbi Brown - WRONG!

  5. Mom just gave me your link... I remember when you were in Kimberton with your GI surgery. You use to order off QVC...enough to have to hide the purchases from Mr. Steuber. Good to see some things don't change. Love you and Miss you. Nicole

  6. Hi Nicole! When I had that surgery, I asked the kids to grab the QVC boxes that were at the front door (daily), when they came home from school, and bring them right up to my bedroom. We put them under my bed...until the coast was clear to open them.

    I was hiding them from my mother! She was in town to help me after the operation. If she only knew, I would have been right back in the hospital again!! I think I needed an intervention :)

  7. You bought perfume from QVC ???!!!!! You are just too funny! Your blogs are great Cathy. I have a few more to go.
