Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oy Vey with the Royal Wedding...

....I feel like we are all held hostage by this Royal insanity!!  Of course, I am stuck in front of the TV more than most, but why, why, why didn't they just go to Vegas???   At this point, I am completely educated on their royal etiquette and ready for tea with the Queen ~  a Long Island Iced Tea, that is.  Anyway, it looks like I'll be under suicide watch until Saturday - Royal torture!  Where's the Calgon when I need it??????

It has been a rocky road lately.  I'm trying to take a lot of what is going on in stride, and that is a job in itself.  Over the next few months, I have several doctor appointments scheduled, in the hopes of clarifying my changing symptoms.  Is it still called deja vu, when it is the zillionth time???

Tomorrow, I am possibly going to see a new doctor that I hear has NO bedside manner -  If I go, I'll have my "dukes" (not daisy) up and ready for him. He is supposedly a much so, he doesn't accept any insurance  - how nice.

This doctor is an electrophysiologist (cardiology speciality).  Apparently, he can help with my autonomic/cardiac issues and how they complicate my aneurysm issue. This is information that I need to know now.  If I actually go tomorrow, I will post and let you know...or I might be on the evening news with handcuffs if he is as harsh as I have heard.  Put 'em up...put 'em up....

Easter was so nice - it was wonderful seeing my family.  As I have said, a million times before, I hate that I can't get down and play on the floor with Brayden, Gabby and Maks.  However, I DID hold Maks for the first time in months and months...and he is only nine months old.  It felt so good to feel his velvety skin, smell his beautiful head and squeeze him, with my eyes closed...aaaahhhhh.  The kids are so adorable and they were eating candy like the ravenous "Golden Corral" gang.  They were "like kids in a candy shop"!  Their faces were a riot, because they looked so content, not a thing on their minds, as they were eating and eating.  LOVE THOSE FACES :)  Gee, I've always wanted to eat them up...I can't believe I missed the opportunity to eat them up when they were stuffed with chocolate ~ shoulda', woulda', coulda'!

I gave the kids candy, along with a lot of junk that came in their baskets.  One of the things was a CHEAP long blond wig (using that term loosely).   At one point, Brayden put it on along with a hat.  Everyone said that he looked like Bret Michaels - I wish I had a picture.   When we were almost to their house, I realized I forgot my camera ~ so mad at myself!!

There seems to be more and more going on with me physically.  I'm not going to get in to it, since it is ridiculously complicated and would take forever for me to explain the ins and outs, and how things that were separate issues are now affecting each other.  It is mind boggling and I still don't feel that I have a great grasp on all the explanations myself.  Hopefully, in the next few months, I will have some more issues weeded out, then treated.  (that's my (royal tea) cup half full talking).

I'll be back on tomorrow, if I see Dr. Fraaaahhhnnkkkensschteeeen.

You can't see me, but I am respectfully curtsying as I back out of the room!!   I hate knowing information that I don't want to know :)


  1. I love the royal wedding stuff! My DVR Is all set to record SIX HOURS of it tomorrow morning. :) Darlyn

  2. Darlyn, you are so funny! I can't say that I am surprised :)
    To be honest, I AM surprised that you and Laura aren't going to be royal wedding crashers....or are you????
