Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm up and running...again...

I have been mentioning on and off that I planned on setting up a second blog.  My new blog is a little more detailed and has more information than most would want/need to know. I am writing about things that only someone in my position, or who was at some point, would be able to fully understand.

I sent an e-mail to a few, whose addresses I have, with the site information. I know there are many readers that I haven't met and want to make this available to them too.  I am keeping this from my family, because I feel like it could be unnecessarily upsetting at times.  HOWEVER, there is one family member that is going to try to "crack the code" and we all know who that is :)  My wish is that the "code" isn't cracked, since it would defeat the purpose of giving me a place to rant and rave.

I just finished writing the first post and I have to say, it felt really, really good!   Anyone dealing with especially hard issues are welcome to view the new blog.  Please e-mail me at if you would like the site address.  I blew through the first post so fast, I don't even know if it makes sense.  I'm just happy the site is set up.

Wishing everyone a beautiful Easter!

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