Saturday, April 9, 2011

Staycation Paradise....

...and paradise it was!  Between my new sunset picture and my playlist song "Cheeseburger in Paradise" (I know major cheeseball, but I couldn't resist), it is obvious to you guys that we broke out of this joint!!!!

The weather couldn't have been better.  It was SO beautiful, perfect temp's and slight breeze.  With my heat intolerance issue, I was a little nervous about how it would be.  No problemo!

When we got there, Jimmy dropped me off at the front door.  The band was playing by the beach - Neil Young's, "Heart of Gold" - so far sooo good!!!  They went on to play "The Weight"/Band, "Norwegian Wood"/Beatles..  I know, who doesn't know that?!?.. Tom Petty/"Runaway Train",Crosby, Stills & Nash,  "Southern Cross" ~  Was this a surprise party for me???  This was all too perfect not to have been prearranged!!  

My adrenaline was through the roof before we left for the Keys, but at this point, I felt like I could have done cartwheels....w/o spilling my drink :) SO EEXX...CIIITT....TED!!!!  I swear.. I was "this close" to fist pumping...God forbid.....

Out of control adrenaline rushes are part of my autonomic issue.  In most cases, it is not a good thing.  This time, it is what pulled me through the night, no doubt...

By the time Jimmy got to our table, I already had my Captain Morgan & ginger ale....every minute counts!!!   The waitress (can't remember if her name was Ginger or Marianne) came over and asked Jimmy what he wanted to drink and he said "anything you're bringing"....that's what the Keys does to you....and that's how bad we both needed this staycation!

The view was spectacular, no surprise there.  The feeling that I get when I am in the Keys is impossible to describe. Obviously, they are beautiful, but I just don't care for places that are very commercial, or God forbid, glitzy :(  For having nothing fancy to offer, the Keys has it all...all that I want.  That is exactly the appeal for me.   The simplicity of the Key's natural, untouched beauty is all it has to it or hate it... and I love it. 

South Florida is like an entirely different world from the Keys. It's hard to believe that the Keys are so close, yet so far.  SUCH AN ESCAPE!!!!!   I don't think I have ever used this word, but.....yes, it was GLORIOUS!!!!!  FEET IN THE KEYS SAND GLORIOUS :)  I can't tell you how many times I started to cry throughout the night.  It was all very emotional for me.  

My entire family feels the same as I do about the Keys (my parents lived there for close to twenty-five years), but I don't think that even they could really, fully understand how much this meant to me.  My need to escape my life is overwhelming.  Last night felt like a close to being normal again.

To think the Keys are only two hours from home...I have to manage to get there whenever I can.  It is just so scary to think of getting there then being too sick to stand, sit, lie down, and be stuck two hours from home...timing has to be perfect!  There is no room for error.

The waitress was slow as molasses - more perfection!  No one is in a rush in the Keys.  I told her to stop asking if I wanted another drink, but just to bring one if my "plastic cup" was empty!   OKAY..disclaimer is extremely rare that I have a drink.  Especially since I have gotten sick.  I have no interest and have water with lemon when we go out to dinner.  HOWEVER, when in Rome....

Contrary to the text message I sent out to a few, I really wasn't drunk ~ just excited!!  I was in the "Don't Worry, Be Happy" state of mind.  Although (for the old timers), I had Foster Brooks hiccups that wouldn't let up .... go figure..

It is so beautiful and relaxing just breathing in the Keys air.  No one is dressed up, everyone is casual, comfortable and couldn't care less what anyone else is doing or looks like.   The shops up and down Rt. 1 look like they were vacated years's just the look...and I'm all over it!

Without question, my adrenaline from the night before was responsible for this quick visit to heaven, along with the perfect forecast - 83 degrees, pain pre-medication and medication for my stomach nerves/gastroparesis.  If Jimmy asked me to go again today, I would have had to say no....the adrenaline has left the building. Last night was the craziest fluke - like I was hit by lightening.

Unfortunately, once the summer hits, it will be too hot for me to eat dinner on the beach.  I'm hoping that I'll be able to squeeze another "staycation" in between now and then...I'll have to find great places to go, on the water, but "under air". 

I felt like Cinderella, when we left with the convertible top down...perfect ending.  When I got in the house around 10:30, I hate to admit how happy I was to see my bed.  I am back in my prison garb...for now.

In the meantime, I need to enlarge the sunset picture and put it on my bedroom ceiling...after I put on make-up and earrings :)   note to self...get funky sea shell earrings and a tattoo..of the Conch Republic Flag :D

Don't mind me...I like mine with lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes....fistpump...


  1. So glad it was a great night! Wish I was there-are you sure you don't work for the Florida Keys tourist association? Nice job of making me want to visit! Love you...............

  2. Laurie - you would LOVE it!!! .... nothing like Florida "mainland".... heaven :)

  3. I'm so, so, so HAPPY FOR YOU!! You needed and deserved the night so much!! You WILL be able to do it again. I'm hoping you are doing ok now though, I know how hard these highs can be.

    Love you!

  4. Nice, Nice, Very Nice!!

  5. I was fist pumping with you as a I read along ;)

  6. Yay, Cathy! A much deserved, much needed time away. I'm so glad that you felt well enough to enjoy it. :) Sorry I've been so scarce. I've had some hard days and have also been trying to get my ecourse finished. Miss u!
