Sunday, April 3, 2011

I ran out of sheep...

It's been a rough few days, same as most, and didn't expect to be writing tonight.  I post as often as I can, trying not to exceed every three or four days, and thought tomorrow night would have to be it.

It is close to 5:30 am and I am so bored!!!  When I look back and think of the years when the kids were babies, I would have killed for some quiet.  If only there was a baby in the other room waking up and needing a hug tonight...I'm ready now!!!   I wouldn't let the baby go back to sleep :)  The silence is deafening....

My sister-in-law, Geri and my daughter-in-law's mother, Darlyn recently recommended that I get an IPod so I can listen to audio books.  When Darlyn said that it is so relaxing, she has fallen asleep listening to the book, she caught my attention.  I will be looking in to that.  It could take weeks before I feel like I have a good enough day to go to Best Buy, which is one mile from my house. It is on my no longer non-existent to do list! I HAVE A TO DO LIST!!!!

Hopefully, I'll get to go food shopping with Jimmy later this afternoon.  Last week, I didn't make it because of "The Golden Corral" - shiver me timbers....I have to say, I never said that before!  See, that's what "The Corral" will do to you!!!  My days are rough and I really hope I can make it this time....Maybe This Time..I'll get lucky.. Oy, again with the Liza...

...ouch, lucky = food shopping?!?!  Hhhmmm, I need to turn this around....oh, I got it..... I think I will type letters to everyone at Christmas, telling you all about my picture perfect life, conveniently leaving out the negative of course!   I would say "Oh yes, Jim and I travel to the market and shop, shop, shop...we love it so much, there is no stopping us...we spend every minute together and wouldn't have it any other is fabulous"....don't you wish you were us?????  "I am retired, living in sunny Florida and love, love, loving the peace and quiet, in between our zany shopping trips, HAhaHAhaHA".  Hey, I think I really will compose one of these painful to read letters. I might  convince myself that I want to be "her"!!!!  I think I am on to a new form of therapy....that's the ticket!  Write a Braggy Von Bragberg Christmas letter, streeeeeetching the truth until it actually sounds good.  I'm liking where this is going!!  Really....this is a fun project!  Give me some time to fine tune it, then I'll post. I wonder if I could pull off a semi-truthful, enviable letter, without the help of David Copperfield.  I think I can..I think I can...I think I can....

This really would be a great exercise for anyone with heavy issues.  Write a "Christmas Letter", making your hardships sound like they are good things, with the proper slant.   It doesn't count if you list things that really are good, you have to make the lemons taste like a lemon drop martini!  I surprised myself seconds ago, making the trip to the food store sound like a "happening"....I know, not quite a lemon martini, but if I could sit here longer, I know I could really make it sound great.  Okay sickies....get crackin'

Wishing you and yours a very Merry April..
Love the Von Bragbergs 

Update one day later... I initially came back to this post to delete it.  When I wrote, I was exhausted and bored to death!  This is the first post that I wrote, just for something to do.  The others have been written, when I was moved to do so.  I have been told, several times, not to edit what I write.  So, because of that, I decided to leave it be.  I feel like it is not a good representation of what I want to convey in this blog, but I guess it is what it is....I was bored and thinking out loud. WARNING...more of these type posts will most likely sneak in from time to blog is still evolving!  Thanking you in advance for your patience!


  1. I feel like a celebrity! I was mentioned in your blog. :D.

  2. You ARE a celebrity Darlyn :)

  3. ..and, you can't hide behind your code name!
