Friday, April 22, 2011

It's been rough....

I am paying the inevitable price that I knew would be coming my way.  Such a horrible day, filled with muscle, bone and nerve pain, ungodly fatigue and a brain that is too weak to function. Walking like I am drunk, is annoying.

The weakness is so intense, that I can feel the energy it takes for the breaths to come up from my lungs to speak.  It can take an enormous amount of energy to speak, not to mention the brain has to function to some extent, to tell my mouth what to much work.  Something, you would have to experience to fully understand.   

Today was a typical "do not answer the phone" day. I wouldn't have answered the phone for anyone, but of course Bruce Springsteen didn't call, so I guess we'll never know how much I meant that statement.  

In many previous posts, I mentioned that I do not want to sing the blues consistent with the frequency of my issues.  There comes a time, when you all obviously "get the picture"....time to move on.  I try to be very sensitive to that issue.

However, from time to time, I am going to talk about what I go through physically.  The only reason for this, is to directly connect with the very ill that are reading my blog.  I would never want someone going through the same extent of my issues, to read my blog and disregard it, thinking, she's not one of us.  I know I joke around when I feel emotionally "up". That is the easiest time for me to post.  Also, I know there have been posts, that kind of give a false/negative of my limitations.  Always trying to straddle the line....

In a recent blog, I mentioned that I plan on starting a new one, specifically for the very ill, or anyone dealing with something that seems insurmountable in their lives.  In this new blog, I will be extremely honest and delve more in to my physical issues, symptoms and disabilities.  Again, not to complain, but to be honest and trust worthy....someone they can relate to.  In fact, I expect it to be almost exactly like this one, just more talk and details about the darker side.  At the same time, I will get on a soapbox, when there is something simple that we all can celebrate, as we find it in ourselves.

Anyway, I'm feeling horrible.  I recently took some pain medication that may or may not help.  I am so beat up, that I actually believe I will go to sleep tonight.

Sorry to be a downer, but want to be real for those that need it.  I don't plan on making a habit of it...I promise!

Beautiful Passover and Easter to all my special friends and family....Shimmer Danielle, Shimmer~Quack, Quack ........Dina~Poo, Poo, Poo ...(poo, poo, poo would mean something different to Danielle!!) no evil eye on my Zieglers! ...Erica, wear your Italian EA :)  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Cathy....I'm so sorry. Hope you'll feel much better this week. Big hugs to you!
