Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nice People are Nice : )

The difference in the impact of having to deal with a nice person vs. a not so nice person is dramatic.  A nice person can totally turn my mood's so simple.  Recently, I had three MRI's at the University of Miami, on Thursday, Friday and Monday. The staff at their MRI center is amazing.  I am in and out of doctor's offices all the time. If I deal with one nice doctor, nurse or receptionist at a visit, I am practically skipping out of the office...although that is a stretch....but, I am in my mind!  To be honest, they usually act like they are paying me...not exactly warm and fuzzy.

Maybe I am expecting too much, but these appointments are as close as I get to a social life these days...partaaay!  Obviously, I don't expect them to make me a martini and say "So, what's goin' on Cathy???" ....although, a girl can dream.....hiccup...boy this dream feels real...where did the waitress go????

The appointments are physically hard on me and I dread each and every one.  Because of this, I am miserable on appointment, back to the UM MRI center.  I swear a celebrity wouldn't have received any better treatment.  The receptionist and technicians were so incredibly kind, I hated to leave....almost!  I know that everyone that goes in for an MRI isn't necessarily "sick".  However, when you are sick, and getting to appointments is a grind, being greeted by smiling faces definitely lightens things up. There are no words to tell you how much I do appreciate a smile from anyone from the receptionist on up to the doctor.  I would hope that they teach kindness and compassion at medical/nursing schools.  I guess I wish they could walk a mile in my flip flops....for a Camel...just kidding, for a Vicodin...just kidding....for a Lychee Martini...hey, I'm not a kidder!

Basic kindness should be the norm, not the exception...everywhere, not just at doctor's offices and hospitals. Although, a cold, detached reception at a health care facility is my opinion.  Obviously, they are all not like that, but most really are.  Through the years, I have said that it has to take more energy to maintain a stone face when dealing with others, than it would to smile and be kind...not to mention, that kindness is most definitely contagious :) 

Obviously, they knew me by the third MRI at UM.   When Jimmy and I arrived and found out that they were actually running ahead of schedule, I made a complete fool out of myself ....clapping and saying "Goody, Goody, Goody".....UGH...who says that???????  I was so comfortable, since having just been there twice...they felt like friends.   My family and friends have heard me say that a trillion times.  Anyway, at least I didn't clap and say "Hercules..Hercules..".(I will have to explain that to my parents!)  I don't realize how I talk and sound, but for some reason, the "Goody, Goody, Goody" tapped me on the shoulders around fifteen minutes after I said it and I cringed..... well, that's what they get for being so sweet.  

Today, I went to the Cleveland Clinic for a CT scan of my achy breaky heart.  The guy that greeted me was such a scrooge.  I couldn't believe how unfriendly he was.  So, I decided that I would not say "thank you" to him when we were through (remember that I am miserable going to every appointment)....but, it slipped out.  The technician was strictly business and rather cold too...'sup?????  

Okay, a new idea for my seminars to doctors, nurses and everyone in the medical field, including receptionists.  I would love to tell it how I see it.  It takes so little to make a not so great experience palatable...SO LITTLE!  Of course, my daughter-in-law, Liz, wouldn't need to come to the seminar...or the Fenyus girls...

I guess all I really wanted to say today, is that if you have the opportunity to treat a stranger with subtle kindness and warmth, please do...we're all strangers to can turn a random encounter, in to a change in attitude for that persons day.....and hopefully, they will pay it forward.  They might even say "Goody, Goody, Goody" :)  they meaning me

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