Saturday, October 22, 2011

Geez, two blahgs in a row...'sup???

I think this is the third time in a row that I am writing, not expecting to actually post.  My body is aching so bad and I need to get in to bed.  Something compelled me to take the extra few minutes to write.  I can't imagine that it is going to be worth reading, but I'll give it a shot.

Since the post of October, 11, when I was so excited that I spoke with Diane Chambers and Rick Leonetti in the same day, I haven't be up to another "catch-me-up" phone call.  It really disturbs me that I am so out of touch with every single one of my exceptions. Hate that!!!  Unfortunately, with such long spells between calls, there is too much to talk about, by the time I do make the call.  It has to be a rare, perfect moment to have the mental strength and physical energy for this.  When I talk to these precious friends, I am so excited to hear what I had missed for the past several months...or longer.  I love to catch up on them, their families and talking about the good ol' times.  It takes the life out of me.  Anyway, as hard as it is to believe, everyday I hope to make a call.  I cannot wait for the next one!!  For me, it is like a vacation, ladies night, or just a normal persons thing to do.  

I had an appointment with a new cardiologist at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Miami.  This guy is at the top of his field and I am making a permanent switch to him.  He is going to be on top of my aneurysm, and bad aortic valve situation.  Our next appointment is in January.  At this point, my aneurysm is 4.4 cm and the surgery to disect the aorta, then re-attach it to my heart, along with replacing the valve is not imminent, which is good news.  Depending what is going on with my valve, the surgery will be done when it hits at 5 - 5.5 cm, depending on other factors.  It's funny, because I have no symptoms from this, and all of my debilitating issues are completely separate from this not so tasty icing on my cake.  At least for now, I can put this on the back burner and my head back in the sand, right where it belongs.....aaahhh, I like it in here..

A few posts ago, I wrote that I thought I was actually, FINALLY accepting my health issues and limitations.  It's been a few weeks since then, and I have to say that I do think I jumped that hurdle.  It is nice not to fret so much wondering "how can this be???"    I asked Martha Stewart what she thought, and she said "It's a good thing"...and, it is :)

Ry and Liz are working like crazy in their new home.  I absolutely love going over there and looking at the lake and pool - so serene!!!  Hopefully, they will be set up enough to move in soon.  Poor Ry has a torn meniscus.  Once he gets the MRI results, he'll have to go forward with one of  two's always something!!

A few days ago, Jimmy came home from work early.  We stopped over to see the kiddies!  My intent was to stay just a few minutes, because I couldn't deal with having a really rough night.  As it turned out, we ended up taking Brayden and Gabby to Steak 'n Shake, then to our house for an hour.  They are SO adorable!!!  Gabby had on her Cinderella dress, so we kind of stood out...not to mention, she had a few wardrobe malfunctions!  No matter how tired and sick I feel, they put such a smile on my face...many times accompanied by tears of joy....but, tears come really easily these days, almost all are happy ones.  Chris and Danielle have also been working really hard on the interior of their house.  It's been so long since I've been over, and was fun to see all they have accomplished... it looks beautiful!

While Phil is at sea, Laura moved in to a brand new townhome.  Phil is going to be thrilled to come home to such a nice house...hardwood floors (jealous!!), cherry cabinets and granite.  Wishing them all the happiness in the world in their new home. 

Speaking of Phil, I hear from him on a regular basis and I LOVE getting his letters.  He is such a sweetheart ....what?? ...he is my son??? Oh, I would have said that anyway :)  Unfortunately, he cannot divulge anything about where they are and what they have been up to. Looking forward to hearing his new stories.  The stories from the last time out were great! 

I do have to mention my girlfriends amazing mail order/online order....SOON TO BE ON QVC ORDER, company, "Full Spirited Flavours".  ..AMAAAAZING (opera voice)!!!  Carole just sent me their new sampler petite are the flavors....chocolate cake with raspberry liqueur, along with chocolate chunks and a raspberry liqueur glaze......amaretto with chocolate pieces, infused with an amaretto glaze and topped with toasted almonds......Limoncello Cake....yellow cake made with limoncello liqueur and lightly embellished with white chocolate pieces..DID I SAY AMAZING??....Mango Coconut Rum Cake... bits of mango, infused with coconut rum glaze, with shreds of coconut...AMAZING~AMAZING!!!   Their website is  This is a great gift idea for the holidays, or to have at your own holiday party.  Like I have said before when bragging about my talented friends, I would NOT write about this if these cakes weren't truly amazing.  I never appreciate the flavor of liquor in my desserts...that's just my preference.  When I received my first cake from Carole, I was ...again the word of the day...AMAZED!  You can taste the liquor, but I suspect there is a lot of butter also (the Sherlock in me), which diffuses the heavy liquor taste.  The liquor flavor is not intense and you can taste all the delicious fresh ingredients that they put in to these gems.  You will be hearing more when Carole is scheduled for QVC.  I believe she goes in next week for presentation training....I'll tell you what...I should be there, not Carole!!!  I could talk for hours about these delicious really, I could :)  They would have to get one of those giant hooks to get me off of the set...or maybe hit the "gong" !!!  In the end, it would be almost impossible to pick a favorite, but the Limoncello is out of this world...but then, so are the others....  Go ahead and treat yourselves and your will be thanking me...and, Carole, of course!!  I'm "you're welcome-ing" you in advance!

Well, I do have more to talk about, but I have been upright too long...not taking the time to proof read this one, it is what it is!  Time for bed....I'll be back soon!

Playlist alert....This one is for Patty Bagnell..."Hello It's Me" just came on.  After your recent letter, this will always remind me of you....sweet dreams Pearl ;)

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