Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hi...Ho...It's Off To Work I Go (maybe)

Another sleepless night...almost 6:00, you are stuck with me!  Today, I slowly recovered from yesterday and the weekend.  It was horribly rough, but today brought some high points and smiles ...those that are sick, do not lose sight of the non-nightmarish days...the unexpected, surprising smiles....even one or two can help forget about the previous day/days.

Speaking of smiles, Danielle and I had a talk a few weeks ago about this.  I told her that everyone smiles and thinks nothing of it.  With the turns my life has taken, I am so keenly aware each time I smile.  When I  smile, I think to myself how great it feels.  You kind of have to go to hell and back to fully appreciate your own smiles.  I absolutely love them, and never would have given them a second thought before I got sick...I smiled, so what????  I'll tell 'ya what - they are amazing!  I'm sure those of you that are also very sick, understand exactly what I am saying.

Jimmy and I had to go to pick up a new phone, for our bedroom.  I couldn't chance sending him alone to find a good one, knowing he would come home with two cans and a string.   As far as the latest "thangs" in TV's, phones, computers, etc., I am a complete Wilma Flintstone.  I have to say, Fred and I are really excited about our new's not even an elephant really doesn't take much these days.  I love it because it has bluetooth built in.  Now, when my cell phone rings, it rings on the house phone also. (you are all probably saying.."where has she been???") I much prefer to talk on the house phone, over the cell.  It must be because I am so far "over the hill", but I always move the pin dot of a hole that you hear out of, a quarter of an inch from my ear and wonder what happened to the other person on the line. Erica would say "okay Aunt Mary"!  So, I can say that was my highpoint of the day....jealous???  Not to mention, that my cell phone is no longer working, so at least I can receive cell calls on my new dandy house phone....yeah, I'm all that!  Next step ~ cellphone.  I hate going in to the Verizon store and will need the w/c for that - yuck!

I do have something exciting happening this Friday morning.  An organization that was developed to help chronically illl/disabled people find some/any type of work, is coming for an appointment.  I have been mentioning lately, that I need to find a way to work and contribute to our finances.  If you could see me, with my daily struggles both physically and cognitively, you would know that this is probably a waste of everyone's time.  

They will go through my health issues and symptoms with a fine tooth comb.  They will go through my previous work experience, talents and shortfalls with a fine tooth comb as well.  They try their best to find some type of work that I would be able to do at home.  The girl that I spoke with on the phone, felt strongly that I could make money with my blog....I'm not so sure about that, in my case.  So, it would be a miracle if something actually came of this, but I do not have anything to lose having them out.  Other than this, I have been at a total loss as to how I can bring in an income.  I'll no doubt be blogging after they come on Friday morning.....that is, unless I am busy ordering beautiful, professional suits(pj's) online for my new career!  This topic drives me insane.  There has to be someone, someplace that could use my help in some capacity....but the million dollar question is "what that would be?".  If only Broadway would read my blog :)

So, my point, in my usual long, round about way of telling stories, is that if any of you that are disabled/chronically ill and unable to work, please contact me.  I will give you more information about this organization.  Believe me, I know how frustrating it is to want so desperately to work, but be too sick to leave your home.  Hopefully, this team will think of something that I (we) haven't thought of yet.  It would be great to help some of you get on track.  Aside from the potential income, it would be amazing to actually feel like a productive member of society.  Fingers crossed that this leads to something.....

Another high point from my day today, is that I received a call from my sister-in-law.  It has been months since we have caught up.  There is always so much news!  It was such a treat and great hearing her voice.  When we hung up, she said that we'll cover part II in the next call.  There is definitely a part II waiting in the wings.  Hopefully, we'll get to continue our conversation soon.  At this point my most owed phone calls are to Ceal, Lisa, Kathy, Dina & Erica.  Now, they are the calls that destroy me, so I have to prepare myself for the aftermath...but it would be so worth it and I can't wait. After each of these calls, I always say "I should have made a drink or had a glass of wine for the visit".  I must remember to do that next time!! These calls give me such a lift.  Now I know how the guys at prison must feel when they get to make a call. As much as I hate the thought, I might have to start wearing (God forbid) horizontal stripes - black and white....and pick up my first harmonica...loverly...and, hey...I want to be paroled...

This was a pretty boring blog, sorry guys!  It was important for me to get the word out about the job placement setup for chronically ill people.  I couldn't keep that information to myself!

Well, right now, my playlist is playing "Helplessly Hoping"...that pretty much sums up my thoughts for Friday's appointment...stay tuned :)


  1. Good luck tomorrow. I know there is something out there for you to do. You have sooooo many talents.

  2. Thank you so much Ann...I need luck!!! XO

  3. sounds like it was an exciting day, so glad we got to catch up.

  4. Cat, there was so much to catch up on...and yes, buying a phone made for an exciting day :) I think I may have worn it out today...and that really is exciting!
