Friday, October 14, 2011


Here I go again...wondering why I am writing when there is no news...oh, I forgot, that means good news, right????  

So, where was I???  Oh yes, talking about keeping in touch with everyone.  It's only been a few days, since I last posted.  Since I wrote about keeping in touch, it has been on my mind, morning, noon and night.  It astounds me that I very rarely feel up to a call.  With my issues, my brain just doesn't have the strength to follow along in a conversation or even care about it, for that matter.  I swear, I can actually feel the strain, mentally.  Luckily, all days are not like that, but most are.  When I am lucky enough to have a better day, my million dollar question is "To call or not to call"...or take advantage of that rare decent hour here and there to actually break out of this joint!  Both are desperately needed when the moment hits.  It seems that I usually opt for getting on the other side of my front door.  Every day, my goal is to make a call.  If I could get one or two in per week, that would be great! I cannot wait for the next one...don't forget to check your caller ID, because when I am ready, I AM READY!!!  You might not want to answer!

I felt bad today after talking to my son, Chris.  Danielle had an appt to get her hair "did" by "our guy Lou" (he is the BEST)...anyway, something came up and she had to reschedule.  There wasn't an available babysitter.  Chris knew not to bother asking me to come over.  While we were talking, I was thinking "could I have done it???", plus I would love to help out.  I had to face the fact that I cannot babysit for these little sweethearts.  It seems like I have been asking myself "could I" a lot over the past year or so.  It is hard to face the undeniable truth... it is impossible.  UGH!!!!  I would love to be available to help out, and get some "sugar" while doing so.  I really do not like facing facts!  As of today, I guess I can say that I officially accepted this one....gulp...

Today, I went a little overboard....actually, more like "man overboard".  I knew I was pushing myself too hard and that the price would be hefty.  It is like purposely driving through a red light during rush hour.  I had some different things thawing in the refrigerator.  Once meat thaws out, I HAVE to cook it that day.  As it turned out, I had a few things thawed at once.  I ended up making a really good chicken stock, for soup tomorrow night, a pot of spaghetti sauce with meatballs and big chunks of pork, then a little pork roast and mashed potatoes that we had for dinner.  When Jimmy came home from work, our kitchen looked a little like the "Golden Corral", if you remember that story!  I wanted to call my parents and invite them over to eat with us tonight, but knew that wasn't an option.  I was horribly sick throughout this cook-off.  By the time dinner came, I wouldn't have been up to any conversation at all, not to mention I HAD to eat dinner in bed.  It was bad, groaning in pain bad :(  I do know better, but did it anyway.  Thank God I have vicodin, because I needed a double dose.  I held off as long as possible, before taking it.  When I do, it is just like medicine....imagine that!

I recently heard from Phil (he is at sea), and he told me that they are moving in a week or so.  They are renting a really nice, brand new house.  I'm looking forward to getting some pictures.  Laura, with the help of friends, will be moving while Phil is on the boat.  I know Phil will be so excited when he gets back and sees his new home.  We are hoping to get up to visit Phil and Laura ...or should I say, hoping for a miracle...I wish we lived on 34th St, rather than 39th Ct!

Hhhmmm, this is really a boring blahg (wink, wink Ry), but I am going to post it anyway!  It is almost 2:00 am and I think I actually might get some sleep.....good night...

Oh, there goes Frank Sinatra again...Ry & Liz :)


  1. Hi Cathy!

    I love reading your blog posts and catching up on your life. I overdid it today and know I'll pay tomorrow, too. It's so touch accepting our limitations and I know it probably breaks your heart that you can't babysit. I can tell you're a wonderful Grandma, nevertheless, and I know your family understands and your grandkids adore you!

    Miss you and hope you're going through a good patch. Big hugs!!!

    ~ Vicki

  2. Cathy,

    I have been thinking about you lately. Please give my love to Ryan and Liz. I cannot believe it has been two years already. Time flies. How are those beautiful grand children of yours. I am sure they are getting big. I have been crazy busy. I am going back to school at night for my teaching certificate. It feels like this has been going on forever. I am in the home streatch. I have 2 classes after this semester and then student teaching. I am crazy. I will be 40 when I graduate. I don't feel that old, but...

    I actually ran into Erika a few weeks ago. We both pulled up to the same red light in Exton. The two of us were like two lunatics talking to each other from accross the lanes. It was great to see her. She looks great as always. She always did look great even in sweats.

    Logan started walking a few weeks ago. I forgot how cute it is when kids first start walking. He walks with his arms out for balance and has to stop to steady himself. I am enjoying having a little one again. I am learning not to take it for granted.

    Please give everyone a kiss for me, especially your parents and Mr. Steuber. I miss you terribly. Hope tomorrow is a better day.


