Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Me Mum....

I've been uncertain as to whether to post or not in the past, but tonight I thought it would be the hardest decision.  Once I started writing, I realized, it was the easiest post I have ever written. In order for me to continue blogging, I need to invite you deeper in to my life.  If not, I would have to stop writing.

A few days ago, our family learned that my mom is very sick.  Very shocking and surreal, and to be honest, I haven't been able to actually process this information yet.

There are two reasons that I am mentioning this.  

The first, is that from now on, my mother's health will be forefront in my life unavoidable topic to discuss, on occasion. As humble as my mother is, I know she would rather I mention her from time to time, than not to blog at all.  She is one of my biggest supporters! I have said time and time again, that my posts come straight from my heart and soul, with complete honesty.  It would be impossible to write, yet dance around what is most important to me.

The second reason, is that I would like to address everyone's kind letters, telling me that I am an inspiration to them.  When I read them, I am always overwhelmed and surprised....looking behind and around me to see who they are talking about.  I am here to tell you that I am "chopped liver".  

After the phone conversation with my mother on Sunday night, learning about her struggles, then seeing her on Monday, I can see that I have a lot to learn about being inspirational.  My mother is absolutely amazing... her upbeat attitude and selflessness is boundless.  I feel like I have learned so much from her, from Sunday and Monday alone.  Also, I see how far I have yet to go, to be half the person that my mom is.

I had to take a moment to write this, because I can think of nothing else.  In my mind, I keep replaying our conversations. Each time, I am astonished at how much I have yet to learn...or in my case, absorb from my mother.  My mother is perfection and I cannot wait to see her again for my next lesson.

Please keep my mom, Marie Mahony, in your prayers~


  1. so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Rach - The myasthenia Kid

  2. Thank you Rachel ~ you are so sweet to think of us. Hope you are having a good day today!
