Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lucky Enough....

I'm sure most of you have seen the small hand painted signs, usually in touristy towns, that say "If you are lucky enough to live at the beach, you are lucky enough".  In my case, if I am lucky enough to have a somewhat normal day, I AM LUCKY ENOUGH!!!!  

Today was one of those extremely rare days.  For me a day like today comes once every few months. Usually, spread so far apart, that I cannot remember the last one.  

Well, let me tell ' was the day!  I didn't get to sleep until around 8:00 am this morning, and woke up around 2:30 pm.  My daughter-in-law, Danielle, had sent me an e-mail, asking if I could come over to help her with some decorating ideas. Initially, I wasn't feeling well enough to go. After around an hour, I started to liven up and decided to go over.  In fact, I livened up so much, that I got out my new QVC Bobbi Brown make-up (I was going to make the most of this sudden spurt of life!!!!).  I have to say, that it is rough putting on eye make-up w/o wearing glasses.  When I was putting on eyebrow pencil, I didn't know if I was going to end up with a uni-brow or a thin mustache.  Next, I put on my favorite perfume, flat ironed my hair and put on my diamond earrings....not to be confused with DIAMOND earrings!

On the way, I was wondering if Danielle would notice the spiffed up Cathy 2.0.  WOO HOO ~ Danielle complimented me as soon as I walked in the door, asking if I was wearing my new make-up, saying my brown top brought out my eye make-up and that it looked like I didn't even have any wrinkles....hey, wait a minute....what was that last part again?!?!?  It was hilarious that Danielle noticed immediately!  So, rather than looking like death, I looked like death with make-up.  Thank you Danielle, you made my day!!!  

Obviously, it was so much fun seeing the kids.  I just love to squeeze, squeeze, squeeze them - yum!  Danielle and I had a lot of success with the decorating end of our visit. It was like working again and it felt so great!! At this point, I was strutting my made-up self, lovin' my babydolls (grandchildren, not pj's) and happily back to work....the adrenaline was working overtime....hhmmm, time and a half???

As soon as I got home, Ryan and Liz were there to move some furniture from our house to their new home.  My adrenaline was still pumping from my earlier, very professional decorating consult :)  

Today, lightening struck twice!!!!  After being at Danielle's, my hair was a disaster and I was getting tired. Well, what do 'ya know..... Liz still noticed my make-up (so, I must have really looked gorgeous...right????) On the way to my house from Danielle's, I was actually wondering if there was ANY chance that Liz would notice my new, and very temporary look.  I could have died laughing when she mentioned it....Thanks Liz!!  You girls made my day today!  Although, I think both of them will have stretch marks on their noses....that's gotta' hurt, especially with their pants on fire!!! 

Unfortunately, this is not a testament to Bobbi Brown, as much as it is to how crappy I look E V E R Y single day.

I'll be going to Liz's soon, to go through all of her pictures and shelving.  For me, it is so much fun to help with anything to do with decorating, space planning, etc.  It makes me feel alive again.  I would give anything to be able to re-open my business.  At least I can say that I was "lucky enough" to have a profession that I loved so much, for so many years.  A lot of people cannot say that.

So,, I was most definitely "lucky enough"....again.  It was a day I will not soon forget. 

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