Saturday, November 5, 2011

I should be in bed...

...but, I'm too tired to get up from the computer.  If I can squeak anything out in this post, it will be a miracle!

I'd like to thank my sister-in-law, Lisa for talking my ear off, for hours tonight...oh wait, Lisa reads this, I mean, I was talking Lisa's ear off for hours tonight. Lisa should be the one blogging and complaining this time around. As always, it was so much fun. I only wish that we were sitting across from each other, with a glass of wine in one hand and a bottle in the other...or, maybe no glass...

Three days ago, it was my sister Nancy's, birthday - Woo Hoo!!!  Nancy just looooves celebrating her birthdays...well, maybe not so much.  Anyway, it was like a gift to me to be talking to Nancy on her BD and catching up.  It always feels like a visit. Now, with Nancy, I wish we were sitting across from each other, each with a piece of birthday cake from L & M Bakery.  Make a wish Nance!

My sister-in-law Geri and I caught up earlier in the week. It had been ages since we last spoke.  Well, that is really the case with everyone.  It is always such a treat to get caught up.  We were on the phone for a little while, we will continue with part two in the next call. There is always too much to cover in a single call.  Now with Geri, we would be sitting across from each other with 1/16th of a glass of wine each glass :)...right Kel???

I have to give myself a pat on the back for my phone call progress! Even though, I think, they were the only ones I caught up with, I also had a swing and a miss with Dina, Kathy and Ceal.  Trying counts!  

Today, I deactivated my FB account.  It was a long time in coming and it felt great to move on.  I'm sure I'll be checking in from time to time to see if, God forbid, I am missing anything.  Although, I don't think I will be doing that any time soon.  Anyone that contacted me through FB messaging, can e-mail me through my address in my profile.  I'm back to communicating like in the old days, via e-mail :)

Jimmy and I have been, well really I have been craving delicious, thick, fresh mahi.  I have a great recipe with an almond/buttered crumb top, with a scallion beaurre blanc sauce.  Actually, I'm working on replicating a recipe from a great local restaurant.  I think I have it all figured out and ready to my head at least.  This morning, I went to Fresh Market, knowing their mahi would be fresh and beautiful.   I had all day to rest.  Unfortunately, that was not enough time.  After all that, I was not well enough to make it.  I'll have to make it tomorrow.  If worse comes to worse, I'll have to delegate (I'm good at that :) to Jimmy on what needs to be done!  He'll feel like he is in "Hell's Kitchen"...

Overall, I've been pretty sick every day.  That is normal and my life every day.  The only difference each day, is that the symptoms, or combination of symptoms may change a little.  To be honest, if I could win the "symptom" lotto, the prize would be pain for sure.  The reason for that, is that the Vicodin really helps soften the edges and relieves the worst of it.  Other than that, there is nothing available to treat some of my other, very horrible symptoms. I have days where I actually feel like I am dying, although I am not, it feels like death is imminent...and at times like that, I would welcome it with open arms. Days that severe only come a few times a month - thank God!!!!! So, I'm betting on pain for later today...c'mon pain, c'mon pain....come to momma.  It is the lesser of the other evils.

I don't want to mislead anyone, there are short spells almost every day, where I feel okay.  Of course, that is when I stay in bed, flat on my back.  As soon as I try to kick it up a notch, the party is over...back to bed. If I force myself to stay in bed, I would have a decent day... in most cases.  There are days that I wake up with the worst of the worst symptoms and they are nightmarsh days that usually last at least an entire day. As far as staying in bed,I know I am my own worst enemy. Sometimes, it is worth getting really sick, just to peak my head in to "life" for a little here and there...definitely worth it.

I received a really, really funny gift from Ceal yesterday.  From time to time, she finds the funniest cards, at Cracker Barrel of all places  They are hysterical.  Anyway, this time the card came in a box with something wrapped in tissue paper.  In the card, Ceal wrote "I found the perfect medicine for you. It came from a very reputable source and it can cure anything.  Just take a couple a day and think of me!!".  Hhhmm, I looked at the tissue and was thinking, "please be m&m's" ..what I found was much better.  It was hysterical.  A little medicine bottle with a picture of Lucy Ricardo on the front.  It was Vitameatavegamin!  I was laughing out loud - Ceal really did find my cure!!!!  I love Lucy, but I love Ceal more! On the bottle, it says it tastes just like candy and says "do you poop out at parties?" can say that again!  Unfortunately, only the seniors will get this one, but I have a huge smile every time I look at the bottle, or even think of it! 

Not sure if you would remember my prior post when I said that I, of all people, ordered Bobbi Brown make up from QVC, then had second thoughts.  I made a deal with myself and canceled one of the two collections...that's progress.  So, my make-up arrived today.  I had everything in bed with me, checking it out.  You would think that I was going to the Oscars tonight.  Anyway, I was going through all that came in the collection.  One of the things was lipstick that you apply with a brush.  The little compact that the lipstick comes in has a small mirror.   I was in bed, looking like total death, and I was putting on the lipstick with the brush.  I had to have looked like Bette Davis in "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte".....if Jimmy walked in and saw that, he would have thought I had lost it for sure!  Death face with the perfect color lipstick....just what Bobbi Brown was envisioning when she put this collection together!!

Lucky for all of you, you are sound asleep by now.  Otherwise, you would have had nightmares after reading that last paragraph.

I'm going to put on my lipstick, schmear it a little, and go to sleep.. ..hush...hush...

Spud ~ thinking of you, "China Cat Sunflower" was just playing on my playlist :D

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