Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Before too much time passes...

...I wanted to make an effort to get something written.  Lately, I have been very sick.  I'm not sure when it all tumbled downhill, but I would say maybe two weeks ago.  It is all just so miserable. A very bad spell, by my standards.

I owe phone calls to several friends/family, but now is not the time. I'm hoping that this will calm down soon, so I can get back in touch with everyone.  Everything is so incredibly difficult when I am in this state. Now, if I only had violin music on my playlist, I would elaborate about all of my symptoms....lucky you!!!

There are two things I wanted to write about.  One is something so funny that my mother said earlier.  She is hysterical...FYI, she was voted "Class Clown" her senior year at Little Flower High School - class of 1,500 girls...just so you know she is legit :)

Anyway, she is doing unbelievably well.  I am astonished at the progress she has made since coming off of the steroids.  Even though I knew going off would help, I never saw this degree of recovery coming.  My mother is pretty much 100% at this point.  Sooooo, making an itsy bitsy story a never ending tale, this is what she said.  I still have to laugh to myself when I think of it...she said " I can tell that I am better, since Dad isn't telling me he loves me every five minutes anymore".  My father was telling her how much loved her every time she looked in his direction, while she was at her worst.   He is obviously veeeeery comfortable with her dramatic recovery...that just cracked me up!  Maybe, you had to be there!!....anyhoooo

The other thing I want to touch on, is my quest for a custom made that would fit me to perfection.  The night I last posted about this, I found some local designers online.  Being my impulsive self, I quickly wrote letters to the few I found, describing my background and that fact that I am now chronically ill.  I said that I would love to find a behind the scenes job with a local designer.  I barely proof read it, before I hit "send".  SHOCKINGLY, one actually responded!!!  Initially, I was super excited.  Then, the more I thought about it, I pretty much came to the conclusion that there is absolutely not a thing that I could commit to do.  From owning my own design business for so many years, I know the possible positions they could have...even the simplest assignments would be incredibly difficult for me to do, on command...when she would need things done and not on my time.  

Regardless....the designer is out of town this week and she wants me to call on Monday to set up a time to come in.  She asked, in her e-mail, if I was able to come in to the office.  When I read that, I thought that she understood that I am sick, yet still invited me beg and plead. Maybe I am naive, but I think that is a good sign....I can envision my first paycheck being made out to Pollyanna... I think I'll frame it!

I will go in next week, sit down and be as honest as humanly possible with her.  She would need to know exactly how unreliable I am, but also what I can do for her, when I am physically able to be present.  Of course, looking back over the past few weeks is discouraging.  If I had any type of employment, I wouldn't have been able to work .. PERIOD.  UGH!!!  I want something to work out so incredibly much, but know ....well, I just know.

Something nice....Ry & Liz...your Sinatra wedding song is on again...makes me so happy :)

My daughter-in-law, Danielle texted me a picture of my angel faced grandson, Brayden today.  He is four years old and in preschool.  It was a picture of him standing in his classroom, in front of the blackboard where he had written "Brayden Steuber".  He looked SO proud....and wearing his Phillies shirt too!!  It was the absolute sweetest picture.  I told Jimmy that even if I didn't know this ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL little boy, this picture would still have warmed my heart.  If I weren't such a Flintstone, I would have posted the picture on here for everyone to see...yes, he really is angel faced..and legit like his great grandmother :)   Also, his favorite song used to be Viva la Vida and it is on RIGHT NOW!!! Woo Hoo Brayden....WooOOOooooOOOOooooOOOO...good times :)...kisses kisses kisses kisses kisses!

Before I sign off, I have to say how excited the Florida Steuber's are that Phil and Laura will be coming home from Charleston this weekend. I CANNOT wait to see has been too long!!!  A sight for sore eyes for the seashore...say that three times quick!  Hurry up guys, but drive safely!!


  1. Good luck with the interview-they will be lucky to get you! Laurie

    PS: Enjoy your vist with Phillip and Laura!

  2. Thank you Laurie...although, I don't know how lucky they would are too nice! Phil and Laura came today, with their adorable new dog. Seeing them really got my adrenaline pumping again! Such an emotional lift :)
