Monday, February 13, 2012

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch...

...Busy, Busy, Busy...

Today was a hectic but really great day.  The past two or three weeks have been pure hell, but the worst seems to be over for now.  I'm back to my old "normal"...hey, I'll take it...

Earlier we all got together at Ryan and Liz's so everyone could catch up with Phil and Laura. With them living in Charleston, we only see them every few months.  When we do, it is so great!  I love seeing their faces right there in front of me.  Jimmy's brother Dan saw Phil and Laura for the first time in around 2 1/2 years, which was nice.  Dan brought his bff Bobby....who needs to change his last name to Steuber.  Bobby has been around long enough to earn his Steuber stipes!

As I expected, this long day wore me the bone.  If it weren't for taking my pain medication earlier, I would not be sitting here writing.  The medication is not a 100% fix, so I won't be going on and're welcome!

Tomorrow, Monday, I am to call the designer that responded to my letter.  Even being over the worst these past few weeks, I am still painfully aware that  I won't be able to work anything out with this designer.  Regardless, I'll  call and take it from there.  I know, I know, I can be naive, but the fact that she responded to my letter is a good sign.  Knowing that I am chronically ill and returning my letter spoke volumes....I think.

Thursday I have a long overdue appointment with my UM Neurologist.  We have to address the numerous very large cysts up and down my spinal cord.  He feels that I am losing spinal cord fluid.  Again, being naive, I had chosen to put my head in the sand regarding this blip.  I have so many other pressing health issues, that I just do not want to deal with this.  In talking with my immunologist, she said that it is too serious to ignore...UGH!!!!!  The next avenue would be meeting with a neurosurgeon.  It is a lousy surgery and I just want to look away.  My hope is that I can talk my neurologist in to talking me in to  letting it go..talking in circles..I know, naive.. 

The other day, I had a strange episode.  It was completely apart from my normal issues/symptoms.  Without boring you with the details, I am suspecting that one of the cysts may have ruptured, leaking a lot of fluid.  That day was horrible and scary, but by the following day, the symptoms cleared up.  So, I know I have to deal with this mess.  We'll see what this appointment brings.  

Aside from all of my issues, I have some new and worsening existing neurological symptoms.  My immunologist is still thinking that MS in in the mix.  At this point, it really doesn't matter.  With all that is going on with my compromised immune system and autonomic nervous system dysfunction, the neurological symptoms are way at the bottom of my list.

I really do have to get horizontal, but wanted to ask anyone that knows my parents not to disclose any of the information I write in my blog.  Several posts ago, I mentioned that I took them off of my auto notification list.  My mother gets upset and sad when she reads some of what I write.  She needn't be bothered with anything negative.  If you could, please remember not to mention my blog to her.  Not to mention, she is local and sees it all, up close and personal...that is more than enough information for her.

I do have to mention tonight's Grammys - YAY!!!  That show never disappoints.    Tonight was like my playlist....Adele, Coldplay, BRUCE, Beach Boys...their performances were all excellent!  As far as some of the others....feh (my yiddish word I learned from Dina :)

I'm inching tired...good night moon...

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