Sunday, February 26, 2012


...LOVE IT!!!  Adrenaline has gotten me through some really special times and I am so grateful when if officially kicks in...once it hits, I know I am good (enough) to go.  How long it will last, is anyone's guess.  I was so psyched for our thirtieth anniversary, that I was POSITIVE it would pull me through.  Shockingly, it didn't and I ended up having to lie on the booth at the amazing restaurant we went to. It was so upsetting that I couldn't last the length of the meal.  Other times, it can kick in and surprise me for the duration.  Tonight was one of those times.

Today, we went to my niece, Melissa's, 27th birthday party.  Melissa is so special to me, that I knew I had to be there, and that the adrenaline would have to kick in to get me through.  Melissa is adorable and I couldn't be happier that we were able to spend her special day with her.

It has been a hellish month, physically....which then rolls over in to emotionally. Very hard and discouraging.  For the past week or so, I knew Melissa's party was coming up and I was convinced that I would make it.  Today was the day and I could feel that I would be able to handle it. 

As it turned out, we were there for a really long time.  Much longer than I would have thought possible.  Granted, I was sitting the entire time, but usually that isn't enough to buy me a lot of time.  It was a beautiful Florida night and we were all outside.

I loved catching up with everyone.  Such a departure from my normal day to day/week to week. Too accustomed to the solitude. I feel the need to apologize to everyone I talked to, because looking back, I was doing all the yacking!  UGH...that's what happens after spending so much time alone.  

I spent a long time catching up with Gina, my former sister-in-law. It was so great spending time with her.  We managed to talk about everything, and it was years overdue.  My kids and grandchildren were there too, which is always sweet! All in all, we had a great time.  Jimmy had a greater time than the rest of us...but, he deserved it!!

I am about to DIE at this point, and am really surprised that I am even sitting here typing. 

Just wanted to let the world know that I went to a party and lived to tell about it!!, I'm going to moonwalk back to the bedroom :)

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