Monday, February 20, 2012

This will drive me crazy..

..if I don't make this correction.  At the end of my last post, I wrote "Yuck ~ feeling so sick, miserable and tired....hoping to go to sleep... Rumpelstiltskin style....minus the beard, plus Rapunzel hair... " ....well, to prove I am losing it, I should have said Rip Van Winkle. Since I have nothing else to think about, I had since been wondering if Rumpelstiltskin spun gold or slept. I asked my mother who the twenty year sleeper was...ugh, she said Rip Van Winkle!  How did I not know that one????  I can only imagine how much I had written over this past year that didn't make sense. I guess it is better that I don't know!  Anyway, if it were up to me, I would much rather be spinning gold than sleeping anyway... but, that's another show...

Also, for the ten that are on my auto-notification list, I apologize for the repeated notifications from my last post.  SO embarrassing, expecting you were all "moanin' and groanin'" each time you rec'ed another notification.  Again, I am such an "Aunt Mary", especially with my new phone.  I can now access my blog and post from my phone. When I was playing with it, I kept re-posting, over and over... so sorry!  Hoping I don't continue to make the same mistake, but I'm not making any promises!

I have to say that I do love my phone.  Since I have to spend so much time in bed, it is a Godsend.  My laptop is too hard to use in bed, since I have to be as flat on my back as possible.  With the phone, it is like having the computer right there.  It is so much fun!  I am addicted to Words With REALLY helps pass the time.  I was telling me mum about it today, while she was here.  My mother would absolutely love to play this. I was hoping it was something she could do online, but it only works with certain phones and Facebook.  Unfortunately, she isn't equipped.  I'll have to get her on FB...or as my father calls it "Spacebook"...OY!  If he were to join, he would be a Space Cadette....Mr. Kevin mother would be Sissy Spacek...stop me....

I hate to say that I am still "moanin' and groanin"...still so sick...very hard on many levels.  Wish I could say that I am "a mooovin' and a grooovin' of these days that will be the title to a post.

Today, my mother told me she wants me to put her back on the blog auto-notification list. I'm on the fence.  If I do, I'll have to read over my posts since November and see what I should erase.  For now, I am holding off.  I'm sure I'll add her back in soon.

I felt bad when my mother came today. She comes, hoping to help me in some way, or even just talk, to...once again..."pass the time".  I was so sick when she got here and wishing she didn't go out of her way.  She really looked exhausted.  Luckily, her visit only lasted around half an hour.  And...I was happy that she came. It was a nice break to chit chat for a short time. 

I was wondering when I was going to blog again, since I really don't want consecutive "oh, I'm so sick" posts.  These days, I obsess about little things, stupid, stupid things.. .....ssoooooo, the Rumpelstiltskin blooper was driving me craaaaazy.  Not knowing when I would write again, I had to get on to spit that out!! Hmmm, who would have guessed that my gift of gab would have kicked in again....back to bed to spin me some gold..


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