Saturday, February 26, 2011

Enter at your own risk...

From the start of the blog last week, I decided that I would not get too heavy, regarding my health issues.  I knew you all had the gist and didn't feel the need to elaborate.

Today I am writing a totally selfish post and I apologize. I would talk to Jimmy, because I desperately need him to help me.  I am avoiding conversation, since I know I would burst in to tears and, not to mention, he could not do a single thing to help, nor do I have the strength for conversation.   This upsets him as much as it does me.  If I thought I could get help at the hospital, I would be at the ER right now.

As of a few hours ago, I hit one of my worst of the worst spells. These can last anywhere from hours to weeks.  It us unbearable.  My body feels like it is being eaten alive, from the inside out, head to toe.  It is a horrifying and scary feeling that I will never get used to.  I have so many other symptoms going on at the same time.  They are running rampant throughout my body right now, and it is a living hell.

In a previous post, I mentioned that I have at least five active viruses that became part of my DNA.  In more advanced cases, such as mine, the symptoms can be the same as an HIV patient, within two days of death.  That is exactly how I feel.  I only wish I could have the advantage of someone administering morphine to get me through this nightmare.

Again, I am sorry for spilling this ugly side of what I am going through. I never expected get in to the true miserable details.  I just needed to scream out to the world that this is more than I can handle.

I will hold off posting, until I can do so in a more uplifting way.  Hopefully, it will be sooner rather than later.


  1. I am sending you my healing thoughts and prayers, thank you for your strength sharing this blog....Love, Carole

  2. Cathy~I'm sorry things are so bad for you right now. Please, please don't feel as if you have to blog "cute puppies and kittens" all the time. I mean, I think people want to know what you are going through. Plus, it's helpful for you to get it out there. I also think when we share our real lives in our blogs it can maybe help our followers learn how to relate to other chronically ill people they cross paths with.

    Hang in there. I'll be praying for you. Watch one of my videos, ok? That will either relax you or bore you to tears; either way maybe it will help you forget about your pain and (hopefully) sleep.

    Love, Shari

  3. Hi Cathy.. I pray every day for you. Feel better.

  4. Cathy...Everytime I mention your name in my house my children`s eyes light up.


  5. Cath, you write when you feel like it, uplifting or not. We'll keep up the prayers. Patty

  6. OK Cath, I just got back and read all of these at once. I smiled, laughed, really laughed, and cried. All of which, you, Erica and Audra went through with me when Drew was really ill. That's what real friends are for. We are here listening and caring even when you're not talking.(Yeah - I'm still getting used to that not talking part)XOXO Robin
