Monday, February 21, 2011

Tip-toeing back in...

I want to thank you guys, with all my heart, for your beautiful comments and e-mails.  Honestly, I was overwhelmed and, to be honest, feeling a little bit J.K. Rowlingish....not that it is going to my head. 

Obviously, this is still a work in progress and I have no idea where it will lead.  I am not sure I understand why, but it seems to help me deal with my emotional issues surrounding my illness.  Rather than lying in bed, searching for a purpose, I find myself lying in bed thinking about exactly what I would like to talk about in my next entry.  I am hoping this feeling isn't going to be short lived...time will tell.

I am sure you are all aware of Oprah's new network, OWN.  She currently has a show, searching for the next great show host.  They are down to the two finalists.  The contestants have different ideas for their programs, including cooking, self help, etc...same ol', same ol'.  One woman actually said that she wanted her show to be a like combination of Oprah & Ellen - keep dreaming!!  She was really grasping at straws when they asked her what her show would be about - that was a "laugh out loud" moment :)

Well, I am super excited because one of the two finalists is disabled.  His name is Zach, he has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheel chair.  The format for his program would be all about traveling, specifically overcoming obstacles.   He said that he obviously wouldn't be portraying the perfect, flawless vacation, but he is showing that it need not be and can still be successful.    Of all the things that he could focus on in his show, I would have never guessed travel.  I think it is very ambitious, but definitely a show I would watch.  "Poppa, can you hear me...",  I mean Oprah, can you hear me???? PICK ZACK!

Aside from this being a great format for programming, Zach is a character and has a fun sense of humor.  Over the past several years, since I became so ill, I wished for one single show, 20/20, Primetime, etc., to devote an entire hour to the thousands of people that are just like me.  This thought would have never crossed my mind, had I still been well.  It's funny how things change when the flip-flop is on the other foot.

Anyway, I am so thrilled for Zach....even that he made it this far.  My hope is that he will win, and it will inspire other cable networks to consider similar shows. 

In the meantime, on the opposite end of the spectrum......I am watching my guilty pleasures - "The Bachelor" is on tonight, last night I saw the first episode of "The Real Housewives of Miami"..I know, eeewww, eeewww, eeewww.  This confirms that I am crazy, but can't tear myself away ~ this is like being in confession!  I am happy to say, that I haven't succumbed to "The Jersey Shore".. . yet!

As far as TV, I stumbled upon "Extraordinary Measures", with Harrison Ford, on cable this morning.  Such a great true story.  It just came out in 2010 and was surprised it was on TV so soon.  Everyone should see it, I promise you won't be sorry!

Later this morning I have to go for blood work - ugh!!!  Due to my autonomic nervous system dysfunction, it makes it especially difficult for the technicians to draw blood.  It is always a white knuckle time for me!  Sometimes, they just send me home, after several attempts.  They tell me to wait a week and come back again.  Other times, they have managed to get a vein, but the blood comes out drop by drop and they again say to come back.  I know the tricks and I have to drink as much water as possible before going.  Hopefully they get what they need in one shot. 

This blood work is for my endocrinologist appt. next Monday to discuss my diabetes and Hashimoto's.  I have to get back on my diabetes diet.  It is so important for so many reasons.  Any fellow dieters out there know how depressing it is to tackle a diet and fail.  The fact that I cannot/am not permitted to exercise makes the process so much slower.  I'd give anything to go for a power walk at the beach...there was nothing better!

It is almost 6:00 am and this is another one of those sleepless nights.  According to my UM doctor, sleepless nights, along with my severe sleep apnea, and often not reaching the REM state of sleep directly correlates with my ANS issues.

I hope I didn't bore you, since I am so exhausted.   If no one reads this, that is okay too.

Now I am starting to think I am less J.K. Rowling and more Andy to check my eyebrows {:)

Next post, my brain will be sharper and I'll cover some more things I wanted to mention.  I only hope I don't start with "Did you ever wonder why....??"


  1. BTW, I forgot to mention that my mother bought me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers to congratulate me for my new adventure! I felt like Miss America....okay, Miss NW 39th Ct., but I was thrilled that she approved...Thanks Mom :)

  2. This site must be located on the west coast, since their posting time is three hours earlier.

  3. Cathy,
    Who's J.K.Rowling?? Is he in the Phillies Minor League System??
    I like the idea of the TV show, but not sure what the commercials will be like?
    There are plenty of feel good stories out there, and I would love to see a show for the disabled, and through my work with Athletes Helping Athletes, Inc. I have witnessed a lot of good in people, especially young high school kids, who truly make a difference.
    So sorry about the blood work issues, is it possible to have the lab tech visit you at home?
    I hope that you were able to rest today after a being up most of the night...
    And please keep have such style and flair to your posts...

  4. J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books. I hear her people are trying to contact my people :)

  5. Hi Cathy~I look forward to reading your updates, as I'm sure you do mine. HA HA! The Oprah show sounds interesting.Now,I'm wishing I would have been watching.It would be so cool if the disabled guy won. I've got my DVR set to record the next show.
    I didn't know Extraordinary Measures was on Cable already. That's one movie I've been wanting to see. I'll have to hunt it down.
    The vampires have trouble getting blood out of me too. My veins are so scarred from all of the blood work I've had done. Do they use the little butterfly needles on you? Also, sometimes if they put heat (or is it cold?) on your arm it helps get the blood flowing. I'm sure they've probably tried all this things though. I'm with Rick...see if they can see you at home.

    Well, look at me...I'm so special that I'm blogging on your blog now! So sorry. I guess it's time to go write on mine. I love you!!

  6. Hi Cathy.....I am hooked, I love your blog and look forward to each entry. I am also routing for the disabled guy to win.
    I am sorry they have so much trouble taking your blood, not exactly a fun day out anyway. Maybe if they could come to your house you would be more relaxed and they would be more patient.
    Hopefully, you will be counting sheep in your sleep and dreaming of a painless day tomorrow.
    Love always, Carole

  7. lol....pappa can you hear me! you remember i mad you sit in the car and listen to that song until the last note?.....uh...i think it was "painful" for you!.....anyway - i've seen the OWN show - and loved that guy - he is funny!....i was wondering how soon you'd mention the bachelor....diane grimm asked me about you today - she's read the blog and said you sent her an email - i think she misses talking "bachelor" with you - i'm no fun....
    hope they got blood and you dont have to go back again...

  8. I can really see you having your own show. I love you!
