Thursday, February 17, 2011

Out of my comfort zone...

Deep breath.... I am, about to a write to a public diary.  A big scary step, but one that I am hoping will be rewarding for myself, as well as my most loved family and friends.  It seems unnatural going public, since diaries and journals are so personal and private.   My hopes with this blog, are that it will help me to finally hit the elusive "acceptance" stage of my ongoing health issues,and put everything out there for all of you guys that have been waiting for months on end to catch up.

As you all know, I have ADD, so if I start to interject hearts, flowers and XOXOXO's mid-sentence, you will all understand.   Not to mention, I am sure you are expecting my short stories to be miles, really, I do that :)

At this point, I am not going to write about the "long and winding road" that has taken me to where I am today.  My inner-circle knows enough about all of that.  If at some point I go a little more public, specifically targeting (tarjaying) those that are chronically ill, I will post a brief (that was a lie) bio. 

My insane list of ailments include, diabetes type II, Fatty (what a name) Liver disease, Barretts Esophagus, Hashimoto's Disease, Bi-Cuspid Aortic Valve with Aortic Aneurysm, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (an autonomic nervous system disorder) and I am sure that I am forgetting a thing or two...or three.

I am seeing a new neurologist and immunologist at UM.  The immunologist, Dr. Irma Rey, is extremely bright and works along with Dr. Nancy Klimas.   It appears that I have at least five active viruses that have become a permanent part of my DNA, living in my cells.   Dr. Rey has me on extensive supplements as well as a strong anti-viral medication.  Since I have been so sick, for such a long time, Dr. Rey isn't making any promises.  For the time being, I am going with the flow to see if there might be the slightest improvement.

Unfortunately, the autonomic nervous system issue I have is now a complicating factor with my aneurysm - not good.  When I am vertical too long, which could be minutes or an hour or two (in a chair), my blood pressure and heart rate will jump at least thirty points.  The elevated blood pressure causes stress on my valve and more importantly, the aneurysm.  My cardiologist, Dr. Fromkin, is keeping a close eye on this.  I think you all know the ins and outs of this mess, so I'll skip all the details.

Well, typical me ending up writing a bit of a bio in the end.

My wonderful internet girlfriend, Shari, began a blog several months ago.  There are so many days when I want to call and see how she is feeling, but I am just not up to it myself.  In checking on her blog, I was able to see exactly how she has been doing, her activity level, how her new medications are working, etc.  Not to mention, I found it uplifting.  Although she has her bad days, it was nice to read about days that she was productive.  Being chronically ill, I can tell you there is nothing more wonderful than having a productive day.  In my case, that can simply mean that I made an easy to fix dinner, or had a wonderful phone call with a great friend, without suffering when hanging up.  

I have been trying to find a reason for me to be alive.  Do not confuse this with suicidal thoughts, because that is not an option.  Nonetheless, I lie in bed for hours on end, day after day and just cannot find a purpose for me to be here.  Spending time with my amazing, supportive family and precious grandchildren has become almost unbearable physically.  I put on a brave front and manage to rally, to a certain extent, but the price is getting to be too much.  When I put on the brave front, it is not for the benefit of others, it is really more for me to squeeze every single second out of our time, before having to retreat in to the bedroom.

As I should have known, this first entry is much longer than I expected.  In the future, I plan on giving a glimpse in to my daily life, so it shouldn't (another lie) be so long again.  Physically, I will not be up to posting on a regular basis and will take it a day at a time. Here comes the ADD  XOXO <3 <3 <3...thank you for listening!


  1. Bravo, Bravo!! I'm so glad you have started blogging. And, just as I suspected, you are a great writer. Maybe this will be one way we can keep in touch when one (or both) of us aren't up to talking. If your friends and family are anything like mine I bet they never thought they'd see the day that you weren't up to talking. We sure have that in common. Love you!

  2. Your courage extends to so many levels, Aunt Cathy. You're brave, funny, and strong - and I'm glad your gifted writing style finally has a platform! I'm following your post and cheering you on. xoxo

  3. Cathy,
    I learned a lot from this posting! I never, for the life of me, ever knew you had ADD!!!!
    Seriously though, this step that you're taking of sharing what is going on in your life just confirms what I always thought about you. You have amazing strength and courage, your wit comes through no matter what the circumstances are...making us all smile while we read. If you are asking if this writing of the blog is a good thing, then my answer is a definite YES!!!!
    It gives us insight to what you are going through and I hope it impacts you in a positive way. Because we care about you very much...
    Love Always,
    Ricky Streak

  4. Steubs' YOU are my H E R O! I am so thrilled that you began this new "journey". There is NO need for you to suffer in many people love you...You are, believe it or not, the light of many of our lives. You have a spirit (which is latin for "breath") unlike anyone I have EVER known, you always have had that spirit. THAT's why you're tackling this blog. (Although, I really do think a radio show would be better, easier, no? Keep it're so precious Cathy Here, I don't even have ADD xxx OOO :) :)

  5. Cathy~Not that this is a contest or anything, but you've only been blogging for one day and you already have four followers! I'm impressed! As always, you are the life of the party. Not that I've ever been to a party with you, but I can just imagine. Keep on bloggin' it's fun and good for your soul!! (((Hugs))) Shari

  6. Bravo for your honesty and courage. The realization that all things must end can sometimes make life seem not worth the effort. However, the miracles of our everyday life suggest other miracles that we are unaware of all around us. This blog is just the beginning of a wonderful journey that not only will help so many in pain it gives you a voice that we all have so missed. Rest assure that God loves you and would not make you endure a life without meaning.
    Carole Algier

  7. I think this is great - it is important that we all know what you are going through. We need your blog as much as you need to write it!! And because you cannot always talk on the phone, this blog keeps us connected!! And I say "ditto" to what Carole Algier says about God loving you and not making you endure a life without meaning. I like Shari's comment about your being the life of the party even tho she's never been to a party with you . . . she knows you very well! Nancy

  8. All I can say is Wow! Despite all that you endure, you still manage to make people smile. I think this blog is a great idea and you are truly a gifted writer. I say keep on writing! This blog is an awesome idea and it will keep us all connected with you which is what we all want. So much easier on you! Especially when a phone call with me can last maybe 4 hours or so :)

    Of course you life has meaning. The world would be a boring place without you. I look so forward to our phone calls and where would I be without you? Well....I would probably have longer hair, no bumps on my head from hitting a windshield, never would have heard Benny and the Jets played on the brakes of a car, never would have walked the length of Long Beach Island in a bikini with no sunscreen, etc, etc, etc. You are the best and I love you and miss you!!!!

  9. Thanks for including me! I had to wait for my kids to come home to help me set up a blog. Hopefully I won't miss one word of yours! You are the bravest person I know and I love you and pray for you everyday.

  10. I am so proud of you!...I can see how writing would help you emotionally - and it helps all of us who think of you everyday!...Please keep writing - I can hear your voice as I read - and at some points i was lol...It will be good for you to feel connected to us - and us to know whats going on with you on a more regular basis.
    i pray for you everyday...thanks for sharing...

  11. Im so proud of my little facebook friend who I never met but feel like Ive known all my life. You are so brave and already have shined a light on my life. We are so lucky to have a brave girl like you. I feel like you are also helping me. It will be wonderful to get to know you even more. God has given you so much strenth, and I thank you for sharing!


  12. Cathy, I'm so glad that you have included me. You and Chris and your family always have a special place in my heart. I love your writing, and for sure , your humor and personality shine through , no matter what. Sending you love and caring thoughts. Always, Mal

  13. Dear Cathy,
    Reading your words is the next best thing to having you here in person. I think of you so often and wonder how you are doing....and not knowing is torture for those of us who adore you. Even if you're having a not-so-great day, please continue to BLOG. Selfishly, it lets us all feel connected to your beautiful personality. And I think your psychologist is right - it will be uplifting for you to share your experiences and to know you are not alone. Whenever you need a little love and support, just log on to read the comments from all of your friends. Love, Bobbi

  14. As always Cathy you AMAZE me!! I can't believe how much you are going through and still keep your spunk and wonderful sense of humor that everyone loves so much about you!! I think of you and pray for you so often, so I love that you're keeping everyone informed of your incredible journey. You touch the lives of everyone that has the blessing of knowing you, and I consider myself fortunate to be one of those people. Thank you for sharing!!

  15. Cathy,
    I'm so proud of your courage. You have always been an inspiration with your strength and accomplishments. I hope this eases your burden of keeping in touch with all who love you. You are a wonderful writer and I look forward to reading your posts. Stay strong!
    Love you,

  16. Cathy, I remember when you and Jimmy first got married and even before. I remember that you were always so much fun to be around to bubbly and yes the life of the Party. God is with you and wants you to live to help others. Keep on smiling you are really a beautiful person. I am still suffering this divorce,and lots of other stuff at this time. You pray for me andI will pray for you! God Bless! Carol Palmer
