Friday, May 6, 2011

Hola Amigos....

...I made it over to see the kids yesterday while my mother and "Pippa" were babysitting.  Ryan also stopped over.  It was so nice to see Danielle when she got home too.  It was funny because we all started several cris-cross conversations and I don't think a single one was completed. I was hesitant to go, not wanting to eventually pay for it.  Luckily, I didn't have any more problems than normal.  

Brayden greeted me at the door, SO adorable and sweet.  He said "MIMI", then stretched out his arms to hug me.  I thought I was going to completely melt right there on the spot.  Immediately, I knew that even if I did get very sick, it would be worth it.   

I felt like I committed a crime and got away with it...I'm a rebel :)  I've said before that I would like to go out and come home before my body knows I left...I pulled it off...kind of like that Irish blessing, "May you be in Heaven a full half hour before the Devil knows you're dead".  I hope I can pull that one off too!!

This has been such a crazy week with the Bin Laden news.  WOW, like the rest of the country, the horror of 9/11 started flooding back to me.  So intense!  Not to mention those Nave SEALS are like animals - they are real life super heroes!!  Their bravery is beyond anything I could imagine.

Now for the pleasant part of the endless news coverage from this past week....I'm feeling closer and closer to Anderson Cooper! Yeah... I am, there I said it. If my marriage doesn't work out...(I know it will soon be thirty years, but you never know...), then Anderson (Andy Candy) is the guy for me!!  HE...IS...SO...ADORABLE!!!!  I would like to thank the SEALS for bringing us closer... XO

I have been having a horrible time getting sleep...aaaand, the more time I am awake, the more frequent are the trips to la cocina (cinco de mayo nod)   If only I could live on agua....okay, that's the extent of my Spanish!  Oh, oh, I forgot, "Livin' La Vida Loca" Erica....that's what I would like to be doing!

So, I am sitting here at the computer TRYING to stay out of la cocina.  I have been successful for the past two nights.  Even though I have been up all night for the most part (last night until 11:00 am), I am not eating my way /weigh through it.  In addition to avoiding la cocina, I am also avoiding the scale..of course that is the easy part...that and the mirrors.

ADD Alert....I AM DYING FOR A PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICH...So, anyway, Phil is going to be stationed at Charleston, SC.  I am so happy that Phil and Laura are going to such a beautiful place.  They are both really excited and will be moving in approximately one month.  No doubt, they will be having tons of company....especially me and Andy..I mean Jimmy.  

I have never been to Charleston, but have always wanted to go.  Once I go, I know I am not going to want to leave.  Of course, once again, I talk a good game.  It would be a really rough nine hour ride, then I would most probably end up horizontal until we leave.  I would expect to "see" Charleston on our way in and on our way out.  I would love to go around the holidays.  It must be absolutely beautiful at Christmas time.

It is around 1:30 am and I would LOVE to go to bed and actually sleep.  Just hoping I don't stop by la cocina on the way back to la bedroom...can she do it??? 

Buenos Noches Andy...and Amigos

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