Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blog Speed Bump..

Earlier this morning, I posted an entry on this blog.  Ever since I hit "publish post", it didn't feel right.  I felt  like I was sharing too much.  I had to come back and delete the post.  It is so hard to know how much to share and what is appropriate. I must have read and re-read the post twenty times, each time asking myself if it was too much of a pity party, or if it could be helpful to others that are very sick.  I just didn't know.

Writing the blog can be many things from fun updates, to a place to unload, etc.  It is hard to find the perfect balance of how much to share.  When things are difficult, it is hard to come on and write.  After several days, I begin to feel obligated to check in.  I think I'll forgo the heavy posts and let the days pass until I am in a better state of're welcome :)

These days, my sleep schedule is crazy.  Most days, I get to sleep between 10:00 am and noon, then wake up around 3:00 or 4:00 pm.  At this point, it is a little after 11:00  am and I haven't slept since yesterday afternoon, which was just for a few hours.  I'm bleary eyed and going to bed.

Sorry about the speed bump...


  1. Hang tough kid! Write what you want when you want. It's your blog. Thanks for sharing.
    Love ya!
