Friday, September 23, 2011

Nothing much happening, but still talking...

Well, I'm still excited that I may have accepted my condition. In reading over my last blog, I hope I didn't sound like I was going overboard with the family/love talk. but they really are the best I know everyone feels the same way about their own families. I guess the best way I can equate my feelings is like when a person loses their sight, then their remaining senses are heightened. That is how I FINALLY felt, after losing the parts of my life that have nothing to do with my family. Even though I was always grateful to have such amazing support, I was too fixated on what I have lost. It feels kinda' good letting that go....actually really good!!!! "Acceptance" was a big deal to check off of my to-do-list.

Now, with that being said (I hate talking like Simon Cowell!), I will no doubt be posting on days when I am extremely disgusted, depressed and just very sick. I can accept my situation, but still hate it. So, I am apologizing in advance for those inevitable posts. Maybe some day, I will learn not to hate it.

When I saw my neurologist the other day, he prescribed medication that he said could possibly enable me to be vertical and upright for longer periods of time. I was shocked that there was such a medication. The following day, I had to go to an eye doctor appointment. I thought that would be a good opportunity to try it out. The doctor's office is only two miles away, so I had high hopes. The new prescription did not work for me. I couldn't believe how sick I got while waiting for the doctor to come in the examination room. It was horrible!! My neurologist told me that it might not work. I'm going to take it again for football Sunday, this weekend. I'm sure it won't help, but it won't hurt to give it one more try. Whether it works or not, it will still be so much fun having everyone here.

There are some times when I am shocked at how good I do. It is rare, but a really nice surprise when it happens. 

Yesterday, I went to pick out new glasses. At this point, I really need to be wearing them all the time. I picked out a pair that I thought I liked, until I saw a beautiful woman on "Harry's Law" last night. I loved her glasses, so naturally, if I got the same ones, I would look just like her...duh! Desperate me, went back to try out new frames again'll never believe it....I tried on glasses like hers and I still looked like me :( I left my original order in tact. I think I need to go to "For Eyes"..they have that commercial where everything looks more beautiful when you put on their glasses....shoulda', woulda', coulda'....I really want to look like that girl!

So, the next thing to check off on my to-do-list is coming up with a new career ~ I know, ha ha ha.....with a slow sarcastic clap :) I REALLY want to come up with some way to make money. I've worked my entire life and it is upsetting that I can no longer contribute. There has to be something I can do...but what???? If anyone has ideas, please let me know. My limitations make it pretty much impossible to do any kind of work. I'm just hoping that there is something perfect for my situation that I haven't thought of yet. Something simple, like a part in a Broadway play...I'm such a dreamer...oh, and I want to decorate the set too...

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