Thursday, June 7, 2012

This whino has a bad memory...

Sorry, but I'm back with more.  I realized today that I left out something from my (as Trump would describe it) TERRIFIC appt in Miami.

He told me that with the evidence he has, of whatever my autoimmune issue is, there are treatments that could make me feel's taken him over two years to tell me this.  

Unfortunately, I don't expect to opt for any of the treatment options, in my case.  One treatment is the exact, high dose steroids, taken four days per month, that my mother was on in December.  She was so horribly sick from the side effects,we thought we were losing her.  In addition, it dramatically effected her blood pressure. With my aneurysm, this is not an option.

He also said, they he can treat me with chemo.  I don't have the details, but he said that there are serious side effects that come with it....but I should feel better.  I cannot imagine doing that either.

Embarrassing as this is to say, I'm pretty sure there was a third option.  Although, it doesn't matter much, because he said for all three, the side effects are heavy.  I think it was some type of infusions...on a regular basis.

Don't ask me how, but with all the emotions from the appointment, I didn't take the time to ask him to go over each treatment in detail.  I would like all the information.  He pretty much made the decision for me.  In his weak defense, I would probably agree.  Regardless, I would have appreciated hearing the details. I do plan to address this with him again, during my next visit.  

In the meantime, I would love to know of an amazing, wonderful, compassionate, brilliant...funny, wouldn't hurt...neurologist.  I know it sounds insane..oops, I better watch my words, but the process is exhausting for me.   IF ONLY, I could shop for a doctor on, I may be on to something....  Anyway, Florida always has had the WORST reputation for doctors, and I'm here to give that a big AMEN!!!  UGH...between our insurance and my condition, leaving the state is not the easiest option.  I know, from experience, that I could go to some of the country's best teaching hospitals, and still have the same experience, leaving me to make a u-turn and a very depressing and sick trip home.  

It is going on 3:00 PM...note, not AM!!  Again, a very bad day, and going directly back to bed.  I know this is a neither her nor there post.  It belonged on my last one. Tying up loose ends! you were...

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