Tuesday, May 15, 2012

They always start out the same way...

...I sit here at the computer, not tired enough to sleep and not awake enough to write.  So often, I've started out writing, not expecting to actually publish the post.  Not too much to say, just painfully bored at 3:30 am.

The one thing I really did want to write about is/was Mother's Day.  After my mother was so horribly sick in December, I never would have thought that she would be so well for Mother's Day.  It made me especially excited to celebrate with her this year.  Unfortunately, she has some type of stomach bug, and couldn't make it.  Oh, I was so disappointed!!!  

On the flip side, it was still a beautiful Mother's Day.  Ryan and Liz had us all over for a cookout.  Everything was delicious! I'm afraid they are going to regret buying the perfect party house!! Danielle surprised me with our (Danielle and my) favorite wine we used to have when we lived in PA.  Mondavi Fume Blanc ~ YUM!!  I was shocked when I saw the bottle, since it is not always easy to find.  It felt like the good ol' days...lucky for everyone that we didn't start singing songs from "Rent"!  If we had, I would have ended up renting a room at the hospital! If only my mom, Phil and Laura could have been there too.

Brayden, Gabby and Maks never fail to deliver!!  They are hysterical and so much fun to watch....and hug...and kiss!! They warm my heart! 

I was so sick last week, I was afraid that I wouldn't make it to the party on Sunday.  It is always such a long drawn out process, just getting ready and out the door...exhausting.  The first hour was a little rough, but then the adrenaline kicked in.  I'm starting to see a pattern.  Sometimes I am lucky enough to have the adrenaline kick in for special days and holidays.  Since I am pretty much house/bed bound, they really are the only times I need to be vertical.  Unfortunately, when the adrenaline does give me a boost, it doesn't seem to know to cry uncle...sandman.  After we came home from Ryan's, I expected to completely collapse and sleep.  With the speed turned on high, I ended up not sleeping at all last night.  Today was a horrible day and here I am still not sleeping.  So, it turns out that the adrenaline rush is both a blessing and a curse.

I still haven't gotten around to setting up my more private blog.  Because of my condition, I am looking forward to really unloading.  I will write about things that I would be more comfortable writing, knowing that only very sick followers are reading.  There is some comfort in reading about someone going through the exact same physical/emotional issues that come along with being chronically ill.

Well, that's all folks...and, belated Happy Mother's Day to all my friends and family...I hope your hearts melted and smiled like mine! 

So funny, I was just reading over the blog, before posting, and "Seasons of Love" from "Rent" came on my playlist!  ;) Danielle

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