Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mini Journal ~ Day Three

Not much to report today.  It was another sleepless night.  I slept on and off until 5:00 pm.  It was one of those days when I knew better than to test my boundaries.  Looking for my "prescription" yesterday was very difficult.  Feeling the way I did today, I stayed in bed until now.  

Like yesterday, I had pretty much the same symptoms.  The difference being that I didn't have to look for my "prescription" or go for the gold and cook dinner, shower, change the sheets  Since I was in bed the entire day, my POTS issue never got to the extreme point. This in turn, helps keep my bp in check, which is what we want for the aneurysm and aortic valve. With all that I did yesterday, I knew I wouldn't have the stamina to exert energy today. Maybe next week, I'll get another "better" day.

Tomorrow, I have my Barrett's biopsy.  Still dreading them routing for a vein, since I will be so dehydrated from fasting for the test.  UGH!  HOWEVER, I do plan on bending the rules.  I'm supposed to stop drinking water at 10:00, but I am going to push it until noon. The instruction page said to stop drinking at 10:00 if the procedure is after noon.....well, mine is scheduled for 2:00, so I gave myself another two hours.  It would be just my luck that they have a cancellation!  Maybe, I'll give this more thought!

Phil and Laura sent me the most delicious chocolate covered strawberries for Mother's Day.  They arrived the Thursday prior.  This test was initially scheduled for the following day, Friday.  Once I opened the box, I could smell these delicious treats.  I thought..."aaww, they'll never know...".  In the end, I decided to call my GI doctor and fess up.  Thanks to my total lack of will power, we had to reschedule for tomorrow.  I am such a weakling!!!  

This is probably a TMI moment, but just trying to stay true to the full disclosure mini journal week.  My endocrinologist strongly suspects that I have Cushings Disease. He said that I am a text book case, although I suspect that it will come back negative again.  The doctor at the Mayo Clinic/Jacksonville also thought it all added up.  The Mayo Clinic and this endocrinologist both tested me for this over the last few years.  It is one of those tests that often come back with false negatives.  The test for this is a 24 hour urine collection.  The directions are very specific as far as the start and end times.  I thought I was done this morning, but second guessed the actual time I started yesterday.  This is what happens when I can't think straight.  It was all too foggy to me this morning.  I'm going to give it another "go" in a few days.  Next time I'll have to write down the start time and set my alarm for the finish time.  Once I am done, I am supposed to get it to the lab within a few hours.  That might not be so easy. 
I have to get up at 5:00 am to begin the prep. (also having a colonoscopy... ....TMI..TMI..TMI)  Hoping to sleep tonight.

I can't think of any highlights from today.  It was very typical of my every day.  I spoke with the kids on the phone and that's always a treat.

I am really exhausted and feeling like I might get to sleep soon.  

These daily journal entries aren't very exciting, are they???  For those that wanted to know, these posts should answer a lot of questions.

Good Night...

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