Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Story For The Chronically Ill Maltese...

I know this blog is supposed to be about chronic illness, but I have really gone off track the past few days.  For those that are up to speed, I wanted to give today's update.

Jimmy met with the owners again tonight.  The dog is a Maltese and only one year old.  They had taken it to Coral Springs Medical Center, which is the most amazing vet/pet hospital I have ever seen.  When we brough Moose in, I thought I was on the set of Grey(hound's) Anatomy.  I told Jimmy to take me there if I have chest pains.  This place is exactly like being in a real hospital and ER....with ridiculously high rates.

Fortunately, they transferred their dog to another vet in Hollywood, which cut the cost by almost half. It appears that we are covered by our homeowners insurance up to $25,000, with a $1,000 deductible.  Jimmy has to talk to the woman at the insurance office tomorrow to go over some  important questions and confirm that we are covered, since this didn't happen on our property.  Jimmy will be going to meet with the family again, tomorrow night. 

As for the update above, it has helped put me at ease.  

I am concerned for this little 5.2 pound dog. It's funny, but for some reason, we have referred to our last two dogs as "Poochy", when they already had names....or, maybe I should say that I called them Poochy and other terms of endearment too embarrassing to admit.  When Jimmy came home from the meeting with the family tonight, after going over the bills, Jimmy now refers to the Maltese as "Moochy"...I had to laugh.  Now that we know he is only one and not an older dog, I feel much better about his overall prognosis and recovery. Hoping that he returns to perfect health.  I completely understand how their family feels.  

Sadly, next on the agenda, is returning Rudy/Poochy to the shelter.  He is so lovable and sweet, it breaks my heart.  The upside, is that because of his loving and affectionate nature, and being perfectly house trained, I expect he will not be in the shelter for long.  In his little bio, they will add that he is not good around small dogs. I am amazed how hard this will be after only three weeks...but, I am a sap...

Today was a rough day physically for me.  I had to get some blood work done, so the results will be at my doctor's appointment next Monday.  UGH...so hard to have to leave when I am not doing good.  When I got to the lab, the parking lot was packed.  There are NEVER enough handicapped parking spaces. We live in Florida....half of the spaces should be handicapped!!! I was miserable that I even had to leave the house, feeling as I did.  When I got there, it was pretty full and it is sometimes really hard for me to have to wait, if it is too long.  Finally the nurse called me back and she was miserable.  Not to mention, that I was miserable also, from the time I decided to force myself to get it done today.  Regardless, I was so nice to her ( always looking for a conversation :) and she was really rude, one word answers, barely audible comments and never made eye contact.....until, she recognized my purse from my last visit.  Then she opened up and was so nice.  My mood completely changed, it was so funny.  I went in like a lion and came out like a lamb! We practically hugged and kissed, we she was done. As always, back in the car, pj's and bed, as soon as humanly possible.  Just relieved that it is over and behind me.  In the past, taking blood has been a nightmare, because of my extremely low blood volume.  I am in a perpetual state of dehydration.  Before going, I was super nauseous, but still had to drink a half a gallon of water to pump up my blood level, so my girlfriend could find a vein.  In fact, next month, I am scheduled for a nuclear stress test.  Since they are familiar with my condition, and they will have to insert an IV, they told me to drink water excessively, beginning a week ahead of the test.

I have mentioned before, how the nurses and doctor's staff are so often, short and abrasive in their nature.  They have no idea that a genuine smile goes such a long way....especially when dealing will very ill patients. I think their often rude and abrupt behavior is inexcusable...especially considering the business they are in.  As much as I would love to talk to them about where they are from, how long they have been doing what they are doing, what their favorite restaurant is, etc,(just kidding...no I'm not) I am really only hoping for a simple smile and eye contact when talking.

Again, I know I have completely derailed this blog, due to the last few weeks with Moose, then Rudy.  I promise I will get back on track.  Hoping sooner, rather than later, but it is hard to tell, since we still have such a big step to take with Rudy. 

Time for this sap to get some sleep ~

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