Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feeble attempt at blogging...

Today, I had two appointments in Miami.  UGH, I was dreading this day since I scheduled the visits. The first was with a new pain management specialist.  He was the best. There are so many people abusing prescription pain medication, that even pain management specialists are hesitant to write prescriptions.  Usually, they need to see an X Ray, MRI, etc.  This guy was great!  He believed  what I was telling him, and really seemed to care.  PHEW!!  If he questioned me, I think I would have cried.  He is taking over my Vicodin prescription (my immunologist is no longer permitted to prescribe it, due to insurance reasons).  I explained to him that I am in pain, to some degree, almost every minute of the day.  In most cases, I do not take pain medication until I am about to the point of tears.  I was thrilled when he said that he was also prescribing a pain medication in the form of a patch.  He said that it should relieve  most of my pain throughout the day.  At times when I still need more, I can take the Vicodin too.  I will get it tomorrow and cannot wait to see how it works. Taking away the pain is so great, but unfortunately, there are still so many debilitating issues I deal with daily that it won't put me back in the game.  I'll just be more comfortable ~ which is a bonus.  Hopefully, it will be effective.  

The second appointment wasn't quite so smooth.  This appointment was with my immunologist.  I  have to say that I am not 100% convinced that I should be seeing her.  It is funny because my neurologist referred me to her, then the following time I saw him, he wasn't so keen on the idea....agreeing with me that she has me pegged wrong.  SO tired of the doctors contradicting each other and themselves..ALWAYS!!!!!    It was an awkward, funky appointment.  

Dr. Rey has just left the University of Miami and is now in her new location.  She is in the process of getting the insurance situation set up.  This appointment could have been put off for months.  We only had to go over my blood work.  So, when setting it up, the receptionist told me that they were not set up for accepting insurance yet and what I thought she said, was that there would be a $69 charge.  When I was paying, she told me it was $269.  I must have misunderstood the receptionist on the phone, but I can't tell you how mad I was at myself.  Waiting for her insurance to be in place, wouldn't have been a problem.  It certainly was not important enough to pay $269....whatever...

On the way home, I thought of two very important questions that I had for her.  I don't know how I forgot to ask them while I was there...whatever...

I do have to tell you about a couple that was in the waiting room with me today.  I'll never deny that I feel sorry for myself, from time to time...privately.  My experience in the waiting room today was like having a bucket of ice water thrown in my face.

It was a man that was approximately seventy, with his fifty-seven year old wife.  They had brought his sister to her appointment.  The entire time I was sitting there, his wife was talking endlessly and it was obvious that she had some type of mental problem.  That alone, made me feel bad.  For some reason, he started talking to me.  I think he felt like he had to explain her behavior, which of course, he did not.  His story absolutely broke my heart.

When his wife was in her mid forties, she was diagnosed with Alzheimers.  UGH ~ I felt so sick and so sorry for this poor man.  He was the sweetest guy. I asked him if he has help at home and he said that he did not.  This woman is so far gone and advanced with this disease.  He cannot take his eyes off of her for a second.  She was bilingual, but no longer remembers English. I asked if she watches TV and he said no, but he would like to.  He cannot since she talks incessantly.  I never knew that nonstop chatter was a symptom of Alzheimers.  She literally never stops.  He said that there is help available for people in his position, help coming in to the house, etc.  Unfortunately, both he and his wife are on social security and they are considered to have too high of an income to qualify for the help....such a joke.  He was also saying how hard it is for him, just to keep her expensive adult diapers stocked.  His car is always equipped with anything they might need in an emergency, since she has to be with him if he has to leave the house.  If only I could go to his house and sit and talk with him and give him an outlet to vent....on the other hand, I guess the last thing he would want is another talker stopping by...Oooohh, I hated to see them leave without offering to help them in some way....just broke my heart...and, I was ashamed for all the times I had sung the blues. I cannot get them out of my mind.  It is people like this, that I would love to help in some way.

Jimmy and I went to Big Bear for salads tonight.  I couldn't cook after coming home from Miami.  Big Bear is next door to the best hair colorist....ever!  When we were walking to the car, I noticed that Lou's lights were still on.  Being sick, I haven't been back to see him in almost three years :(.....I knocked on the door and caught him before he left the salon.  I love Lou!!!  It was such a huge treat to see him and give him a big hug, then another, then another...such a happy surprise!!!  Sooooo.....

...this day had highs and lows, which is better than no highs at all!  I'm really not doing good, but wanted to write about today....the good, the bad and the ugly hair.

Good Night Gracie~ 

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