Sunday, January 29, 2012

Missing the blog....

Once again, time has flown right past me.  The last time I posted, I was hoping to continue to write once or twice per week.  I blinked, and now it is two weeks later.

I'm here tonight and, ONCE AGAIN, hoping to be writing on a more regular basis.

For several months, I have been trying to come up with a way to get back in to the work force and actually generate some income.  With my issues, it is almost impossible to come up with an appropriate match for the new me. I write "almost impossible", rather than "impossible", because I do believe that I can be of value to some type of business. I really believe is a fact, I'm certain!  The problem is that my new limitations put me in a less than desirable light for potential employers.  I am looking for an amazing saint that would understand my issues, but still work with me.  With the right match, it would be mutually beneficial.

The absolute perfect job for me would be back in the interior design/decorating field.  As I have said in previous posts, family and laughter is the best medicine, then I added music, and now I am adding my love of interior design.  Danielle and Liz (daugther's-in-law) have asked for some help lately, and I have to say it was woo hoo exhilarating!!!!!  SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!  Now I remember how I spent endless hours at my shop for years on end.  When you love what you do so much, it isn't work at all.

I would LOVE to work behind the scenes for a (saint) designer.  If she/he could bring me their jobs, let me get to work putting together paint colors, floor plans, furniture, fabric, accessories, etc., then I would have everything packed and ready for them to take to their follow up appointment.  I know I am a dreamer...maybe I should be dreaming of Jeannie for backup. This type of position would be an absolutely perfect part time job.  Honestly, I cannot believe that there is a designer out there "dreaming" that someone in my unique position is looking for work.  If only.....

In all honesty, I am talking a big game, and not entirely sure I could deliver.  It does scare me and I would have my answer after the first day.  This is all really a dream...I think "dream" is the word of the day! I need to try and risk failing, rather than not do all I can to get a shot at an opportunity.  If I fail, I want it to be "in my face", then I will know and that will be that.  At this point, my cup is half full (of Long Island Ice Tea...still dreaming :)

Other than that, I have looked on Monster to get an idea of what is out there.  UGH!  Nothing whatsoever is a fit for me.  If I could find work from home, that would be great too...but doing what???  I know there is a lid for this (crack) pot, but finding it may be like looking for a needle in a haystack. 

For now, this is my obsession.  If anyone has any suggestions, please pass them on!!  Also, suggestions for local designers that I could contact would be great too.

For the longest time, my cell phone has been on the fritz....dropping words, and calls....hey, I have a lot to say!  Such a headache!!! Since I rarely leave the house, I have been relying on my house phone.  It has taken me months and months, but I finally went to Verizon yesterday to get a replacement.  With a free upgrade and gift certificates, I bought an Apple smart phone.....and, let me tell you I am all that!!!!  This phone is SO much fun!!!!!  Yesterday, not so much....but, thanks to my son Chris, I am crazy-go-nuts over it today!!!  I am sure that you all are light years ahead of me, but I am in awe of this thing!....I know, I am showing my stone age.

Chris showed me the app for "Pandora".  I was under the impression it was to pick up radio stations....oooohhh much more!  I created my own "stations" by entering the name of an artist..ooohhh, let's say I randomly picked..oh, I guess...Bruce Springsteen.  It created a station with Springsteen songs, along with other artists that are similar.  Now, I have a Springsteen station, Coldplay station, Neil Young, Adele, Grateful Dead, Tom Petty, for those that really know me, you don't think I don't have a "Les Miserable" or "Rent" station, do you???  I thought my head was going to explode!!!  Well, I guess this should give you an idea of just how exciting my life really is!!  Note to Erica....imagine explaining one of these phones to "Aunt Mary"...that was Chris today...I thought he was going to put me in time 
out a nursing home :)

I want to give an update on my mother.  She is doing remarkably well.  To my surprise (and horror), she drove the other day.  Of course, she made this brave move when my father wasn't home to stop her.  To be honest, I am not comfortable at all with her driving.  I know my father is trying to hold her back as long as he can.  She has had some really good days.  I cannot say if she will get back to her old self, but time will tell.  She does have multiple myeloma, but she is stage one and the doctor said it progresses very slow.  It appears that her horrible decline was due to the steroid treatment she was on.  She is not at all one hundred percent, but the improvement has been remarkable...absolutely amazing since mid-December.

Earlier today, Chris, Danielle and the kids came for a short time.  My parents came over so they could see Brayden, Gabby and Maks.   I was astonished at my mother's active interaction with them.  She hasn't been up to that type of activity since early November.  Although, when they left, it was a sudden "we have to go" and they were outta' here.  I am sure she was exhausted when she got home. With my issues, I understand so many of hers.  No doubt, she was too active with the kids today and hit a brick wall.  I'll call to see how she is, but not sure if she'll be honest.  We are having a real tug-of-war with the truth between us.  It goes both ways, what I am willing to share with her (trying not to upset her) and her with me.  We are too much alike and super over-protective of each other. In a perfect world, I could be the over protective one and she not worry about me...again, dreaming!

As hard as it is to believe, today is Phil and Laura's First Anniversary!!!  Congratulations to you honeymooners!  Wishing you both a beautiful and romantic anniversary in Myrtle Beach!  We are all looking forward to the official celebration this summer.  All of our anniversaries .... all thirty.... have been extra special.  I'm sure you will have the same and love them as much as Dad and I.  Dad still tells me "Happy Anniversary" every month on the thirteenth.. ..still so special and significant! I know you both "get it" XO

I'm going to get going, and hoping to be back in a few days....
Love from Aunt Mary

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