Monday, August 29, 2011

Real Love.....

It's funny, I noticed that the last word on yesterday's post was "giddyup"...say whaaat?  Who was I talking about????  I was so excited to be writing again, I thought I had make that, human powers!  My recovery from the errands with Jimmy and excitement about the blog,  caused me to sleep the entire day yesterday, up for a few hours, then sleeping again until around 
3:00 am, a few hours ago.  You know how dogs run in their sleep??? Maybe I was giddyupping in my sleep....

Recovery from the other night is going to take a few days.  I'll be back in bed in a few hours and that could last until dinner time....I hope I get to giddyup....hey, maybe giddyupping in my sleep is why I'm so tired....but, what about my non-Betty Grable legs????

Jimmy and I have our thirtieth anniversary just around the corner.  We are trying to come up with the perfect way to celebrate.  Obviously, there are so many roadblocks with my issues.  Every year, for the past twenty-nine, we have made it a point to have a really special day to celebrate.  Every one was perfect.  Prior to getting sick, losing my income, Jimmy losing half of his and having to sell our previous home at a huge loss..I'm out of breath just spitting that all out, I was hoping to go to Tuscany.  As you can imagine, that is not an option for many reasons.   Olive Garden??? can do :)

I told Jimmy several times, that I wish it was going to be thirty-one years this year, making it less special. Being a special milestone year, it upsets me that I am not physically able to do too much.  Going out to dinner is always an anxious time for me.  I can get horribly sick when we are out.  Again, being the thirtieth, I want it to be as special as we can make it  At this point, it looks like Jimmy is going to  take the week off and we'll go out when the perfect moments (optimistically writing moments/plural)  hit and I can make a run for it.  Unfortunately, it doesn't happen often....not to mention when it does, I can't expect to do it again any time soon.  I like the idea of him being around all week, but feel bad when I could possibly be sleeping the entire day.  Also, I really hate to bring the power w/c in to a nice restaurant.  It is so conspicuous.  The reason for having the word applies...."giddyupping" w/c, is that when I have a sudden crash and burn, I can elevate my legs and recline my's like a Transformer.... it isn't a vanity thing, I just hate attracting attention.  

For our actual anniversary night, we are looking for an amazing steak house (earmuffs Keli & Ron).  We love Ruths Chris and hoping to find something comparable, but new for us.  Steak 954 in the W in Ft. Lauderdale sounds perfect.  I just worry that I'll dive to the point that we would have to leave.  Ugh....there seems to be no great, exciting, happy, FOOLPROOF way to celebrate.  Everyone that knows me, knows the celebration HAS TO BE ON THE DAY!!!!  I know many friends and family that don't get so excited about anniversaries, and really don't consider the thirtieth anything special, but it is  important to us, more now than ever. We were also hoping to get to a place in the Keys for a few days. No doubt, I'll be talking about this off and on between now and the big day.....I dream of Jeannie..poof...

A few weeks ago, we celebrated my mother's 82nd that's exciting.  My father's 82nd was on July 6.  They are both amazing.  You should see them!!!  They are so healthy, vibrant and active...I'm so jealous!!!....  my entire family is forever grateful that they live close to most of us and are so much fun. The funny thing, is that they are the ones taking care of everyone else.  They are too/two much!  Now, they can giddyup....just don't tell my grandchildren!  I have often called my mother Benjamin Button...I know, I know..that joke is getting old....unlike me mum :)

When I was blogging earlier in the year, I received constant beautiful and heartfelt letters from friends and family, encouraging me to continue with the blog. After the other night,  I received approximately twenty e-mails and FB messages from many of you again.  It always amazes me that there are so many that enjoy and/or get something out of what I write. It really gives me the push I need to keep writing...Chicken Soup (can I make a menu substitution...lobster bisque please) for My Soul.

This time, my playlist just played Andrea Bocelli singing "Time to Say Goodbye"...what a beautiful song.  I've told you how horrible I sing, just imagine me singing with made-up Italian words ~ 

I know I've mentioned this before.  My friend wrote an absolutely beautiful book about the life of Pearl S. Buck.  It is available to download on Kindle.  The title is "Pearl", by R.L. Salkind Meliment.  For those that know me well, you know I wouldn't push it if I didn't absolutely love it myself.  Recently, "me mum" read it and carried on as much as I did a long time ago.  She got me all riled up and wanting everyone to have the opportunity to read this great book.  It is the kind of book that makes you slow down at the end, to prolong the inevitable end.  If you don't have a Kindle, you can also download it on to your computer. It is available at Amazon Kindle......just sayin'..:)

As Andrea Bocelli once (actually probably a zillion times) said....Time To Say my opera voice....just for you!  

One More thing ~ surprise, surprise!!!  As I am about to go back to bed, my playlist is playing one of my absolute favorite old songs - "Real Love" by John Lennon.  I know this is SO corny, but that really is what "it" is all about...nothing more and nothing less....XO...before bed, I'm going to post "Real Love" on FB so more can enjoy it today.


  1. So nice to read you again! I love how you write and I love keeping up with the Steubers! (Who needs the Kardashians?) You have a full and wonderful life and a positive attitude-you are an inspriration. Congratulations on 30 years-quite an accomplishment! Looking forward to your next post. xoxox
