Sunday, February 10, 2013

Stopping in for a minute..

First, I am really happy, and a little full of myself, that I am writing again so soon....medicated?..yes, but that usually isn't enough to get myself on the computer and writing.  Tick..tock..I'll have to make this one fast.

I am very sick, every hour of every day.  Here and there I have days that are just through the roof horrible.  Yesterday was one of those. So much so, late last night, I was considering going to the ER.  It is ridiculous that I would ever think, for a second, that they could help me. I know better. It was a case of desperation and wishful thinking, hoping that they could do something to make me more comfortable. Today, I am more like my "normal".

Yesterday, Chris said they would like to bring the kids over today, if I felt up to it.  ALWAYS, an offer too hard to refuse.  Thankfully, when I woke up today, around 3:30 pm, and after an hour or so, I felt I was up to it.  There is nothing in this world, like seeing their beautiful little faces coming up to our front door.  They are my drug of them so much. As it turned out, my mother called from a local store, asking if she could stop by.  She didn't stay long, but it was great to see her too.

I have to tell you about a new show that I am really excited about.  It is on TNT, called "Monday Mornings", and is on Monday nights.  Sanjay Gupta, the CNN medical correspondent, wrote a novel by the same name.  I believe it came out in 2012.  The book is fiction, but based on his experience as a neurosurgeon.  Apparently, the surgeons meet every Monday morning.  At these meetings, they go over cases gone wrong from the previous week.  

David E. Kelley is the creator of the show, along with Sanjay Gupta.  I knew, between the two, this would have to be a great show. The first episode was on last Monday.

What I appreciate, is that they show the ego and arrogance that many doctors have.  I have seen this too many times, since I got sick.  My own stories are sometimes hard to believe. So often, I wished I had a hidden camera for 20/20 on me.  I actually had two doctors tell me they only wanted me to tell them my singular worst symptom...what?? They wouldn't allow me to tell them more than one!!!  They completely caught me off guard, so I didn't react like I should have. Recently, I had an appointment with a new internist.  I thought it would be a good idea to have one doctor, that would oversee all of my health issues.  He point blank told me he didn't want to hear about any of my conditions or diagnosis's.  His words were "I cannot compete with the specialists, leave that to them".  He went so far as to tell me that he is the guy to see if I get the flu.  I have SO many stories like these examples, I could write a book on that alone. Luckily, I do have some really great doctors..cardiologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist...fingers crossed, my new neurologist too.

In this show, you see the good and bad in doctors.  It is only a half an hour long, but it seemed like it lasted an hour.  Very good, and realistic.  It seems more like a real life documentary, than the medical dramas we are used to seeing on TV.  I love that it exposes the fact that there are doctors that should not be practicing.  Again, I have had this experience so many times!  I guess I feel that this show validates all that I have been saying, for the past several years.  Anyway...just my two cents..

I better get back to bed...just had to jump at the chance to write, while I am up to it....good night!


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