Monday, April 2, 2012

Back with the living...

I am happy to report that the worst is over with this last dip.  What a nightmare that was.  Earlier, I read the post I wrote last night, and I really did have a lot of misspelled words and disjointed sentences.  Believe it or not, I actually proof read it first!  You should have seen it before I made the corrections that I caught ~

I am back to my old/new normal, which is still a challenge.  The doctors have told me that I can only exercise in bed.  Lately, I have been doing some leg exercises (some days I can, and others I cannot) and I am wondering if that is what propelled me in to this recent mess.  

Since this overall harder time began, several months ago, I know to lie low.  I'm going to have to continue on this path. For whatever reason, I go down so much faster these days, from the littlest bit of activity. At this point, I am readjusting my expectations.  I pretty much "get the picture" and have been living accordingly.  

As crazy as this may sound, I wish I were still in that nightmarish phase...only because I want my symptoms in full bloom while the MRI is being done on Tuesday.  I guess it really doesn't matter, but I think it wouldn't hurt.

With the double brain MRI on Tuesday and my GI appointment on Friday, this week will not be the greatest.  Whenever I feel the time is right, I'll pick up the phone and start touching base with is always like a party!

Not foolish enough to push my luck...back to bed.

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