Sunday, December 11, 2011

See ya next year....

This has been a crazy and hectic December.  We have a lot going on, between now and the week after brother going back to PA and my sister coming from New Jersey, doctor's appointments and, of course, we are looking forward to a beautiful Christmas with our family.  

This is the first really fun Santa year with my older grandson and granddaughter.  They really get it. So much so, they think it is Christmas every morning when they wake up.  It will be so much fun to have magic back in our Christmas again!  Chris and Danielle are living the "good old days" that they'll be talking about years from now.

Ryan and Liz had their first Annual (subliminal message to them :) Christmas Party at their new home last night.  It was beautiful!  Everything looked and tasted perfect!  A very special night for sure.  We are all hoping they continue this new tradition every December.

I'll be taking a few weeks off, but plan to get back to serious blogging about health updates and my usual, yadda, yadda, yadda, after the first of the year.  

I want to thank everyone that has been following, and for the great feedback.  It seems to be a two way street.  It is a gift to learn from each other!

Wishing everyone a beautiful holiday season, filled with special family moments. Happy and healthy 2012 to everyone!  Maybe this will be a great year for us all!


Friday, December 2, 2011

It's been a week already???

Time is flying by, as usual.  I try to post at least two times/week, but have been slacking in that department.

My brother and his wife, John and Lisa, have been down helping out with my parents. It is great that their schedules allow them the freedom to spend so much quality time with everyone.  They have been staying with us, which is like having a slumber party every night...although, I'm not too good in the slumber department....and Lisa, is the bad girl that sneaks wine in to the party, which makes her a good girl :)

There has been a lot going on, which keeps my adrenaline flowing like a geyser....I need some sheep...with mallets. This is my normal and will never get used to it.

Anyway, just wanted to drop a line. With my slumber parties, I am finding I am not at the computer as often as before.  I do not plan to stop blogging, but I suspect there will be fewer for the next few weeks.  Hopefully, I'll get one out every week, at a minimum. 

Oh, and some exciting news about my friend, Carole.  Super excited that her sister will be on QVC next Thursday, 12/8, between 5:00 & 6:00, selling their delicious cakes.  This has been a long time in coming and I hope some of you set your DVR so you don't miss it.  Her cakes are AMAZING and a great gift idea.  I'm hoping to make my QVC debut and call in with my testimonial...and I suspect after a minute or two, they'll cut me off mid-sentence.  So, if you watch and hear a call from Cathy from Coral Springs, that will be me.  Good luck girlfriend!!! 

Short and simple, just know that I am a little behind, but still hanging around :)