Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Brights and Beatiful Holidays ~

Happiest of Holidays to everyone!  It is now officially over two months, since my last post.

When Thanksgiving was approaching, I knew I had to post about how blessed we all are, in one way or several others.  Couldn't believe, the day came and went, without a single grateful word! They most definitely are in my heart, but somehow never made it to the blog....not grateful for that!

I have been very sick.  It seems I get much sicker these days, with much less exertion than in the past.  Because of this, I have been having a hard time sitting at the computer for long periods of time, thus, the lack of posting. If only I could telepathically blog.....and communicate with my friends and family that way too.  I would be in chit chat heaven!

Right this moment is a very sick spell, so please disregard sentences that don't make sense, mistyped words and my horrible grammar.  So far, it has been impossible getting this much out.  I cannot type without going over each word several times...Frustrating?? Yes!!!  But so necessary after our beautiful Christmas Eve last night.

Chris and Danielle hosted our Steuber Christmas Eve and it was beautiful and as magical as Christmas Eve should be.  Everything was so delicious, pretty, warm and cozy. The most perfect and favorite Christmas songs were playing all night....can't get enough! Need I say that Brayden, Gabby (my namesake), and Maks were ADORABLE??? I can't hear 'ya???  Okay, I'll tell you anyway.  They were so precious!!!!  All three so over the moon that Santa was coming last night.  By the time I left, I was convinced that Santa would be stopping at my house too! (santa sticks...he never showed up here :)

When I walked in the house, I had a gift bag for our newest Steuber...Tucker Steuber, Ryan and Liz's brand new Wheaton Terrior PRECIOUS puppy. Immediately, Brayden wanted to know if that was a present for him.  I told him it was for Tucker, then Brayden told me that Tucker was his nickname...okay, okay, maybe you had to be there, but I'm a "Mimi" and everything the kids say is so magical and precious...can't help bragging.  **Warning** the bragging is here to stay! 

Every one was so happy last night and the kids are such a joy to watch.  As sick as I was, it was priceless to spend these special moments with them...as well as with Chris, Danielle, Ryan, Liz and my parents.  Of course, there are always so many, from far away, that we wish could be with us to celebrate.  They are always in our hearts and still "with" us on Christmas Eve night.

Today, Ryan, Liz and my parents coming for a Christmas Turkey dinner.  I couldn't sleep, so at 2:00 am, I made the stuffing, stuffed the turkey, and put the peeled potatoes in the pot for later.  Everything else will fall in to place when it gets closer to dinner.  Ryan is bringing his delicious sweet potatoes and Liz, her favorite green been casserole.  

Chances are, I'll be eating dinner in bed, but that's okay.  I love it when everyone is over, no matter what my cost....that is straight from my heart.

Tomorrow will be a rough day, after these past few.  Again, I do what I do, knowing the price.  If it isn't worth the price, then I do not do it.  

This typing is killing me.  I am off to bed.  With all that I prepared a few  hours ago, I will be able to sleep until approximately 3:30 or 4:00... fingers crossed.

Love to everyone and hoping you are all experiencing the magic of the holidays too!
